Noémi Kiss

Noémi Kiss is a Hungarian writer, whose works have been translated into English, German, Bulgarian, Romanian and Serbian. The German press considers Kiss as one of the most promising writers of her generation.
Kiss studied Comparative literature, Sociology and Hungarian Studies at the University of Konstanz in Germany, and also at the University of Miskolc in Hungary, where she has been a lecturer since 2000. She received her PhD from the University of Miskolc in 2003 for a dissertation on Paul Celan, published with the title Határhelyzetek. Paul Celan költészete és magyar recepciója. Kiss regularly publishes short stories, and fictional travelogues on Eastern Europe, and essays on photography and literature.
Kiss often attends international literature festivals, among others in Berlin, Graz, Hamburg, Krems, Timișoara, Ruse.
In 2009 she was a fellow at the Literarisches Colloquium in Berlin and in 2013/2014, she was writer-in-residence in Zurich.
Kiss is a mother of twins, a boy and a girl born in 2010. Kiss currently resides in Budapest with her family.

Major works