Noble High School (Maine)

Noble High School is a public high school in North Berwick, Maine serving students in grades 8-12 from the towns of Berwick, North Berwick, and Lebanon. NOBLE is an acronym for the three towns that NHS serves. Noble High School is a member of the Coalition of Essential Schools.


Class structure

Noble High school was designed to promote small learning communities. NHS is organized so that the school is divided into two unique schools, or academies. Each academy has two teams, and each academy serves grades 8-12. Each academy is identical in structure and core classes offered. A single third-class remains for grade 10 it's only used for emergency overflow and mostly remains unused.

Graduation requirements

To graduate from Noble High School, students are required to earn 24.5 credits in the following subject areas: Math ; English ; Science ; Social Studies, Fine Arts ; Physical Education ; Health ; and Other Electives. Students must also complete 60 hours of community service. At the end of each year, students must complete an end of year exhibition. 8th grade-juniors participate in a portfolio, and Seniors complete a Senior Project. At Noble High School, a failing grade is 74% or lower.

Classes offered

Noble offers many classes to students. French, Spanish, Chinese and Latin are offered as world languages. 15 AP Classes are offered: AP Language and Composition, AP Literature and Composition, AP Calculus, AP Statistics, AP Biology, AP Physics, AP French, AP U.S. History, AP U.S. Government, AP Studio Art, AP Computer Science, AP Chemistry, AP Environmental Science, AP US History, and AP World History. Noble also participates in the Sanford Regional Technical Center, where 15 trades are offered.


From 1969-2001, Noble High School was located at what is presently Noble Middle School. For the 32 years that NHS was located at this site, the school served the three towns. This site was suitable for a period, but as populations increased within the towns, NHS became very overcrowded. The school was designed for about 550 students, but by 1995 there were over 900 students in the school. As well as overcrowding issues, the facility was very outdated and did not accommodate the needs of the school. Due to the surrounding area, there was also a need for a community facility to serve the rural towns in the district. Pam Fisher, former NHS principal was very involved in the process of creating a new school. A committee of community members was created to plan for the new school. The design of the school was highly influenced by the Principles of MSAD 60, and the Coalition of Essential Schools. The school opened in 2001.


Noble High School was designed not only as a school but a community hub, for the three rural towns it serves. Within the walls of the facility, there are many opportunities for community events to proliferate. The 1000 seat Hussey Theatre, which has been used for theatrical productions, town meetings, and other events that require the use of the theatre. The School also has a 50-seat restaurant, named the Round Table. This functions as a part of the regional vocational program, where students learn to cook and operate a restaurant open to the community. Noble also has an early childhood education center that serves eight surrounding towns. The center is also part of the vocational program, and students learn about the fundamentals of childhood education. NHS is also home to Noble Adult & Community Education. Other facilities such as the library/media center, fitness facility, 2 gymnasiums, and a lecture hall are all available to be used by the community.
Noble High School has won many awards for the architecture of the building. NHS has received 13 awards for the design and functionality of the building. In 2002, the building was awarded the William W. Caudill Citation Award.

Athletics and activities

Sports Offered

Noble offers many sports to students:
Fall Sports:
Winter Sports:
Spring Sports:
Noble has won numerous state school sports championships.
Runner Up
Sportsmanship Awards
This award recognizes high schools sports teams that exemplify good sportsmanship.
Noble Has Many Extracurricular activities available to students:
NHS teachers have been honored for their teaching skills.