There are many kinds of non-classical logic, which include:
Computability logic is a semantically constructed formal theory of computability—as opposed to classical logic, which is a formal theory of truth—integrates and extends classical, linear and intuitionistic logics.
Non-reflexive logic rejects or restricts the law of identity;
Classification of non-classical logics according to specific authors
In Deviant LogicSusan Haack divided non-classical logics into deviant, quasi-deviant, and extended logics. The proposed classification is non-exclusive; a logic may be both a deviation and an extension of classical logic. A few other authors have adopted the main distinction between deviation and extension in non-classical logics. John P. Burgess uses a similar classification but calls the two main classes anti-classical and extra-classical. Although some systems of classification for non-classical logic have been proposed, such as those of Haack and Burgess as described above for example, many people who study non-classical logic ignore these classification systems. As such, none of the classification systems in this section should be treated as standard. In an extension, new and different logical constants are added, for instance the "" in modal logic, which stands for "necessarily." In extensions of a logic,
the set of theorems generated is a proper superset of the set of theorems generated by classical logic, but only in that the novel theorems generated by the extended logic are only a result of novel well-formed formulas.
In a deviation, the usual logical constants are used, but are given a different meaning than usual. Only a subset of the theorems from the classical logic hold. A typical example is intuitionistic logic, where the law of excluded middle does not hold. Additionally, one can identify a variations, where the content of the system remains the same, while the notation may change substantially. For instance many-sortedpredicate logic is considered a just variation of predicate logic. This classification ignores however semantic equivalences. For instance, Gödel showed that all theorems from intuitionistic logic have an equivalent theorem in the classical modal logic S4. The result has been generalized to superintuitionistic logics and extensions of S4. The theory of abstract algebraic logic has also provided means to classify logics, with most results having been obtained for propositional logics. The current algebraic hierarchy of propositional logics has five levels, defined in terms of properties of their Leibniz operator: protoalgebraic, equivalential, and algebraizable.