Nonlinear dimensionality reduction
data, meaning data that requires more than two or three dimensions to represent, can be difficult to interpret. One approach to simplification is to assume that the data of interest lie on an embedded non-linear manifold within the higher-dimensional space. If the manifold is of low enough dimension, the data can be visualised in the low-dimensional space.
Below is a summary of some of the important algorithms from the history of manifold learning and nonlinear dimensionality reduction. Many of these non-linear dimensionality reduction methods are related to the [|linear methods listed below]. Non-linear methods can be broadly classified into two groups: those that provide a mapping, and those that just give a visualisation. In the context of machine learning, mapping methods may be viewed as a preliminary feature extraction step, after which pattern recognition algorithms are applied. Typically those that just give a visualisation are based on proximity data – that is, distance measurements.
Related Linear Decomposition Methods
- Independent component analysis.
- Principal component analysis .
- Singular value decomposition.
- Factor analysis.
Applications of NLDR
Humans often have difficulty comprehending data in many dimensions. Thus, reducing data to a small number of dimensions is useful for visualization purposes.
The reduced-dimensional representations of data are often referred to as "intrinsic variables". This description implies that these are the values from which the data was produced. For example, consider a dataset that contains images of a letter 'A', which has been scaled and rotated by varying amounts. Each image has 32x32 pixels. Each image can be represented as a vector of 1024 pixel values. Each row is a sample on a two-dimensional manifold in 1024-dimensional space. The intrinsic dimensionality is two, because two variables were varied in order to produce the data. Information about the shape or look of a letter 'A' is not part of the intrinsic variables because it is the same in every instance. Nonlinear dimensionality reduction will discard the correlated information and recover only the varying information. The image to the right shows sample images from this dataset, and a plot of the two-dimensional points that results from using a NLDR algorithm to reduce the data into just two dimensions.
By comparison, if Principal component analysis, which is a linear dimensionality reduction algorithm, is used to reduce this same dataset into two dimensions, the resulting values are not so well organized. This demonstrates that the high-dimensional vectors that sample this manifold vary in a non-linear manner.
It should be apparent, therefore, that NLDR has several applications in the field of computer-vision. For example, consider a robot that uses a camera to navigate in a closed static environment. The images obtained by that camera can be considered to be samples on a manifold in high-dimensional space, and the intrinsic variables of that manifold will represent the robot's position and orientation. This utility is not limited to robots. Dynamical systems, a more general class of systems, which includes robots, are defined in terms of a manifold. Active research in NLDR seeks to unfold the observation manifolds associated with dynamical systems to develop techniques for modeling such systems and enable them to operate autonomously.
Manifold learning algorithms
Some of the more prominent manifold learning algorithms are listed below. An algorithm may learn an internal model of the data, which can be used to map points unavailable at training time into the embedding in a process often called out-of-sample extension.SDD Maps
SDD Maps are fast manifold learning algorithms obtained by formulating the problem as a Laplacian Linear System. This is done by replacing the quadratic weighted orthonormality constraints used in popular manifold learning techniques to prevent trivial solutions with a linear constraint that prevents the same. This converts the quadratically constrained quadratic optimization problem into a simpler formulation that is a linearly constrained quadratic optimization problem. Furthermore, in the case of SDD Maps, this problem is equivalent to solving a symmetric diagonally dominant linear system which can be solved very fast using Spielman and Teng solvers for Laplacian Linear Systems. The work by Spielman/Teng on such solvers had won a Godel prize, and found many applications later on such as the SDD Maps.Isomap
is a combination of the Floyd–Warshall algorithm with classic Multidimensional Scaling. Classic Multidimensional Scaling takes a matrix of pair-wise distances between all points and computes a position for each point. Isomap assumes that the pair-wise distances are only known between neighboring points, and uses the Floyd–Warshall algorithm to compute the pair-wise distances between all other points. This effectively estimates the full matrix of pair-wise geodesic distances between all of the points. Isomap then uses classic MDS to compute the reduced-dimensional positions of all the points. Landmark-Isomap is a variant of this algorithm that uses landmarks to increase speed, at the cost of some accuracy.Locally-linear embedding
was presented at approximately the same time as Isomap. It has several advantages over Isomap, including faster optimization when implemented to take advantage of sparse matrix algorithms, and better results with many problems. LLE also begins by finding a set of the nearest neighbors of each point. It then computes a set of weights for each point that best describes the point as a linear combination of its neighbors. Finally, it uses an eigenvector-based optimization technique to find the low-dimensional embedding of points, such that each point is still described with the same linear combination of its neighbors. LLE tends to handle non-uniform sample densities poorly because there is no fixed unit to prevent the weights from drifting as various regions differ in sample densities. LLE has no internal model.LLE computes the barycentric coordinates of a point Xi based on its neighbors Xj. The original point is reconstructed by a linear combination, given by the weight matrix Wij, of its neighbors. The reconstruction error is given by the cost function E.
The weights Wij refer to the amount of contribution the point Xj has while reconstructing the point Xi. The cost function is minimized under two constraints:
Each data point Xi is reconstructed only from its neighbors, thus enforcing Wij to be zero if point Xj is not a neighbor of the point Xi and
The sum of every row of the weight matrix equals 1.
The original data points are collected in a D dimensional space and the goal of the algorithm is to reduce the dimensionality to d such that D >> d. The same weights Wij that reconstructs the ith data point in the D dimensional space will be used to reconstruct the same point in the lower d dimensional space. A neighborhood preserving map is created based on this idea. Each point Xi in the D dimensional space is mapped onto a point Yi in the d dimensional space by minimizing the cost function
In this cost function, unlike the previous one, the weights Wij are kept fixed and the minimization is done on the points Yi to optimize the coordinates. This minimization problem can be solved by solving a sparse N X N eigen value problem, whose bottom d nonzero eigen vectors provide an orthogonal set of coordinates. Generally the data points are reconstructed from K nearest neighbors, as measured by Euclidean distance. For such an implementation the algorithm has only one free parameter K, which can be chosen by cross validation.
Laplacian eigenmaps
Laplacian Eigenmaps uses spectral techniques to perform dimensionality reduction. This technique relies on the basic assumption that the data lies in a low-dimensional manifold in a high-dimensional space. This algorithm cannot embed out-of-sample points, but techniques based on Reproducing kernel Hilbert space regularization exist for adding this capability. Such techniques can be applied to other nonlinear dimensionality reduction algorithms as well.Traditional techniques like principal component analysis do not consider the intrinsic geometry of the data. Laplacian eigenmaps builds a graph from neighborhood information of the data set. Each data point serves as a node on the graph and connectivity between nodes is governed by the proximity of neighboring points. The graph thus generated can be considered as a discrete approximation of the low-dimensional manifold in the high-dimensional space. Minimization of a cost function based on the graph ensures that points close to each other on the manifold are mapped close to each other in the low-dimensional space, preserving local distances. The eigenfunctions of the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the manifold serve as the embedding dimensions, since under mild conditions this operator has a countable spectrum that is a basis for square integrable functions on the manifold. Attempts to place Laplacian eigenmaps on solid theoretical ground have met with some success, as under certain nonrestrictive assumptions, the graph Laplacian matrix has been shown to converge to the Laplace–Beltrami operator as the number of points goes to infinity. Matlab code for Laplacian Eigenmaps can be found in algorithms and the PhD thesis of Belkin can be found at the Ohio State University.
In classification applications, low dimension manifolds can be used to model data classes which can be defined from sets of observed instances. Each observed instance can be described by two independent factors termed ’content’ and ’style’, where ’content’ is the invariant factor related to the essence of the class and ’style’ expresses variations in that class between instances. Unfortunately, Laplacian Eigenmaps may fail to produce a coherent representation of a class of interest when training data consist of instances varying significantly in terms of style. In the case of classes which are represented by multivariate sequences, Structural Laplacian Eigenmaps has been proposed to overcome this issue by adding additional constraints within the Laplacian Eigenmaps neighborhood information graph to better reflect the intrinsic structure of the class. More specifically, the graph is used to encode both the sequential structure of the multivariate sequences and, to minimise stylistic variations, proximity between data points of different sequences or even within a sequence, if it contains repetitions. Using dynamic time warping, proximity is detected by finding correspondences between and within sections of the multivariate sequences that exhibit high similarity. Experiments conducted on vision-based activity recognition, object orientation classification and human 3D pose recovery applications have demonstrate the added value of Structural Laplacian Eigenmaps when dealing with multivariate sequence data. An extension of Structural Laplacian Eigenmaps, Generalized Laplacian Eigenmaps led to the generation of manifolds where one of the dimensions specifically represents variations in style. This has proved particularly valuable in applications such as tracking of the human articulated body and silhouette extraction.
Sammon's mapping
is one of the first and most popular NLDR this example is 23.23%, for SOM it is 6.86%.
Self-organizing map
The self-organizing map and its probabilistic variant generative topographic mapping use a point representation in the embedded space to form a latent variable model based on a non-linear mapping from the embedded space to the high-dimensional space. These techniques are related to work on density networks, which also are based around the same probabilistic model.Principal curves and manifolds
Principal curves and manifolds give the natural geometric framework for nonlinear dimensionality reduction and extend the geometric interpretation of PCA by explicitly constructing an embedded manifold, and by encoding using standard geometric projection onto the manifold. This approach was proposed by Trevor Hastie in his thesis and developed further by many authors.How to define the "simplicity" of the manifold is problem-dependent, however, it is commonly measured by the intrinsic dimensionality and/or the smoothness of the manifold. Usually, the principal manifold is defined as a solution to an optimization problem. The objective function includes a quality of data approximation and some penalty terms for the bending of the manifold. The popular initial approximations are generated by linear PCA, Kohonen's SOM or autoencoders. The elastic map method provides the expectation-maximization algorithm for principal manifold learning with minimization of quadratic energy functional at the "maximization" step.
An autoencoder is a feed-forward neural network which is trained to approximate the identity function. That is, it is trained to map from a vector of values to the same vector. When used for dimensionality reduction purposes, one of the hidden layers in the network is limited to contain only a small number of network units. Thus, the network must learn to encode the vector into a small number of dimensions and then decode it back into the original space. Thus, the first half of the network is a model which maps from high to low-dimensional space, and the second half maps from low to high-dimensional space. Although the idea of autoencoders is quite old, training of deep autoencoders has only recently become possible through the use of restricted Boltzmann machines and stacked denoising autoencoders. Related to autoencoders is the NeuroScale algorithm, which uses stress functions inspired by multidimensional scaling and Sammon mappings to learn a non-linear mapping from the high-dimensional to the embedded space. The mappings in NeuroScale are based on radial basis function networks. Another usage of a neural network for dimensionality reduction is to make it learn the tangent planes in the data.Gaussian process latent variable models
s are probabilistic dimensionality reduction methods that use Gaussian Processes to find a lower dimensional non-linear embedding of high dimensional data. They are an extension of the Probabilistic formulation of PCA. The model is defined probabilistically and the latent variables are then marginalized and parameters are obtained by maximizing the likelihood. Like kernel PCA they use a kernel function to form a non linear mapping. However, in the GPLVM the mapping is from the embedded space to the data space whereas in kernel PCA it is in the opposite direction. It was originally proposed for visualization of high dimensional data but has been extended to construct a shared manifold model between two observation spaces.GPLVM and its many variants have been proposed specially for human motion modeling, e.g., back constrained GPLVM, GP dynamic model, balanced GPDM and topologically constrained GPDM. To capture the coupling effect of the pose and gait manifolds in the gait analysis, a multi-layer joint gait-pose manifolds was proposed.
Contagion maps
Contagion maps use multiple contagions on a network to map the nodes as a point cloud. In the case of the Global cascades model the speed of the spread can be adjusted with the threshold parameter. For the contagion map is equivalent to the Isomap algorithm.Curvilinear component analysis
looks for the configuration of points in the output space that preserves original distances as much as possible while focusing on small distances in the output space.It should be noticed that CCA, as an iterative learning algorithm, actually starts with focus on large distances, then gradually change focus to small distances. The small distance information will overwrite the large distance information, if compromises between the two have to be made.
The stress function of CCA is related to a sum of right Bregman divergences.
Curvilinear distance analysis
CDA trains a self-organizing neural network to fit the manifold and seeks to preserve geodesic distances in its embedding. It is based on Curvilinear Component Analysis, but uses geodesic distances instead.Diffeomorphic dimensionality reduction
Dimensionality Reduction or Diffeomap learns a smooth diffeomorphic mapping which transports the data onto a lower-dimensional linear subspace. The methods solves for a smooth time indexed vector field such that flows along the field which start at the data points will end at a lower-dimensional linear subspace, thereby attempting to preserve pairwise differences under both the forward and inverse mapping.Kernel principal component analysis
Perhaps the most widely used algorithm for manifold learning is kernel PCA. It is a combination of Principal component analysis and the kernel trick. PCA begins by computing the covariance matrix of the matrixIt then projects the data onto the first k eigenvectors of that matrix. By comparison, KPCA begins by computing the covariance matrix of the data after being transformed into a higher-dimensional space,
It then projects the transformed data onto the first k eigenvectors of that matrix, just like PCA. It uses the kernel trick to factor away much of the computation, such that the entire process can be performed without actually computing. Of course must be chosen such that it has a known corresponding kernel. Unfortunately, it is not trivial to find a good kernel for a given problem, so KPCA does not yield good results with some problems when using standard kernels. For example, it is known to perform poorly with these kernels on the Swiss roll manifold. However, one can view certain other methods that perform well in such settings as special cases of kernel PCA by constructing a data-dependent kernel matrix.
KPCA has an internal model, so it can be used to map points onto its embedding that were not available at training time.
Manifold alignment
takes advantage of the assumption that disparate data sets produced by similar generating processes will share a similar underlying manifold representation. By learning projections from each original space to the shared manifold, correspondences are recovered and knowledge from one domain can be transferred to another. Most manifold alignment techniques consider only two data sets, but the concept extends to arbitrarily many initial data sets.Diffusion maps
s leverages the relationship between heat diffusion and a random walk ; an analogy is drawn between the diffusion operator on a manifold and a Markov transition matrix operating on functions defined on the graph whose nodes were sampled from the manifold. In particular, let a data set be represented by. The underlying assumption of diffusion map is that the high-dimensional data lies on a low-dimensional manifold of dimension. Let X represent the data set and represent the distribution of the data points on X. Further, define a kernel which represents some notion of affinity of the points in X. The kernel has the following propertiesk is symmetric
k is positivity preserving
Thus one can think of the individual data points as the nodes of a graph and the kernel k as defining some sort of affinity on that graph. The graph is symmetric by construction since the kernel is symmetric. It is easy to see here that from the tuple one can construct a reversible Markov Chain. This technique is common to a variety of fields and is known as the graph Laplacian.
For example, the graph K = can be constructed using a Gaussian kernel.
In the above equation, denotes that is a nearest neighbor of. Properly, Geodesic distance should be used to actually measure distances on the manifold. Since the exact structure of the manifold is not available, for the nearest neighbors the geodesic distance is approximated by euclidean distance. The choice modulates our notion of proximity in the sense that if then and if then. The former means that very little diffusion has taken place while the latter implies that the diffusion process is nearly complete. Different strategies to choose can be found in.
In order to faithfully represent a Markov matrix, must be normalized by the corresponding degree matrix :
now represents a Markov chain. is the probability of transitioning from to in one time step. Similarly the probability of transitioning from to in t time steps is given by. Here is the matrix multiplied by itself t times.
The Markov matrix constitutes some notion of local geometry of the data set X. The major difference between diffusion maps and principal component analysis is that only local features of the data are considered in diffusion maps as opposed to taking correlations of the entire data set.
defines a random walk on the data set which means that the kernel captures some local geometry of data set. The Markov chain defines fast and slow directions of propagation through the kernel values. As the walk propagates forward in time, the local geometry information aggregates in the same way as local transitions of the dynamical system. The metaphor of diffusion arises from the definition of a family diffusion distance
For fixed t, defines a distance between any two points of the data set based on path connectivity: the value of will be smaller the more paths that connect x to y and vice versa. Because the quantity involves a sum over of all paths of length t, is much more robust to noise in the data than geodesic distance. takes into account all the relation between points x and y while calculating the distance and serves as a better notion of proximity than just Euclidean distance or even geodesic distance.
Hessian Locally-Linear Embedding (Hessian LLE)
Like LLE, Hessian LLE is also based on sparse matrix techniques. It tends to yield results of a much higher quality than LLE. Unfortunately, it has a very costly computational complexity, so it is not well-suited for heavily sampled manifolds. It has no internal model.Modified Locally-Linear Embedding (MLLE)
Modified LLE is another LLE variant which uses multiple weights in each neighborhood to address the local weight matrix conditioning problem which leads to distortions in LLE maps. MLLE produces robust projections similar to Hessian LLE, but without the significant additional computational cost.Relational perspective map
Relational perspective map is a multidimensional scaling algorithm. The algorithm finds a configuration of data points on a manifold by simulating a multi-particle dynamic system on a closed manifold, where data points are mapped to particles and distances between data points represent a repulsive force. As the manifold gradually grows in size the multi-particle system cools down gradually and converges to a configuration that reflects the distance information of the data points.Relational perspective map was inspired by a physical model in which positively charged particles move freely on the surface of a ball. Guided by the Coulomb force between particles, the minimal energy configuration of the particles will reflect the strength of repulsive forces between the particles.
The Relational perspective map was introduced in.
The algorithm firstly used the flat torus as the image manifold, then it has been extended (in the software to use other types of closed manifolds, like the sphere, projective space, and Klein bottle, as image manifolds.