Noonbory and the Super Seven

Noonbory and the Super Seven is a Canadian-South Korean animated television series that is co-produced by Daewon Media and Cookie Jar Entertainment in association with Knowledge, Access TV, BBC Kids, and SCN. It aired in the U.S. on August 15, 2009 and September 19, 2009 on CBS' KEWLopolis in August, and on CBS' Cookie Jar TV in September. It airs in Canada on BBC Kids, and in South Korea on EBS. It also airs in Spanish in the United States on Sorpresa and UltraKidz.


The pilot episode aired on KEWLopolis on CBS on August 15, 2009. It premiered on Cookie Jar TV on CBS on September 19, 2009. The first "o" on the "Noonbory and the Super 7" title is edited to look like Noonbory's face – suggesting that he is the leader of the "Super Bory" pack. This show has a narrator that enhances the educational aspect of the show – similar to the Curious George and Madeline cartoons. All episodes of this show are rated TV-Y and C. Despite the superhero nature of this show, any violence shown is completely slapstick and is not considered to be fantasy violence approaching the level of TV-Y7 rated television shows. Educational concepts taught in the show includes basic science components, teamwork, social skills, and memory.
Each of the "super" seven heroes are based on the five physical senses in addition to the two mental senses. Noonbory is considered to have the ability for common sense. The settings include the four seasons that make up the Technicolor world of Toobalooba. All the characters that are on the same side as the protagonists have the suffix -bory in their name while all the villains have the suffix -gury in their name. Instead of saying the word "everybody," people in the cartoon use the made-up word "everybory" instead
The cast of villains include Wangury and his band of Bullygury pirates, a lonely girl named Rosygury and an abominable snowman named Coldygury that can throw snowballs from his hat when he is angry at "somebory" or "somegury." Other characters including in the television show are the Beebees, Bakerbory, Doctorbory, Farmerbory, Babysitterbory, and the singing flowers. The series finale aired on CBS during the weekend of December 12–13, 2009. The Borys and Gurys celebrate Christmas in "Kiki's Gift" and "Santa's Cave."

Show concepts

Borys and Gurys

;Pink Aru

Episode list