The pilot episode aired on KEWLopolis on CBS on August 15, 2009. It premiered on Cookie Jar TV on CBS on September 19, 2009. The first "o" on the "Noonbory and the Super 7" title is edited to look like Noonbory's face – suggesting that he is the leader of the "Super Bory" pack. This show has a narrator that enhances the educational aspect of the show – similar to the Curious George and Madeline cartoons. All episodes of this show are rated TV-Y and C. Despite the superhero nature of this show, any violence shown is completely slapstick and is not considered to be fantasy violence approaching the level of TV-Y7 rated television shows. Educational concepts taught in the show includes basic science components, teamwork, social skills, and memory. Each of the "super" seven heroes are based on the five physical senses in addition to the two mental senses. Noonbory is considered to have the ability for common sense. The settings include the four seasons that make up the Technicolor world of Toobalooba. All the characters that are on the same side as the protagonists have the suffix -bory in their name while all the villains have the suffix -gury in their name. Instead of saying the word "everybody," people in the cartoon use the made-up word "everybory" instead The cast of villains include Wangury and his band of Bullygury pirates, a lonely girl named Rosygury and an abominable snowman named Coldygury that can throw snowballs from his hat when he is angry at "somebory" or "somegury." Other characters including in the television show are the Beebees, Bakerbory, Doctorbory, Farmerbory, Babysitterbory, and the singing flowers. The series finale aired on CBS during the weekend of December 12–13, 2009. The Borys and Gurys celebrate Christmas in "Kiki's Gift" and "Santa's Cave."
Show concepts
Borys and Gurys
Everything has a black-and-white mentality to it; there is no neutral group to counteract the lawful good nature of the Bory people or the chaotic evil of the Gury people.
* Any character with a suffix of "Bory" is a good guy while anyone with a suffix of "Gury" is a bad guy. While this sounds simple and childish, that is how things are dealt with in Toobalooba.
* A "Bory" can never become a "Gury" by doing an especially heinous deed and a "Gury" can never become a "Bory" by doing an exceptionally good deed.
Although rarely seen, Borys and Gurys can co-exist with each other when the need arrives.
*Doctorbory comes to give Coldygury some orders to rest when he was infected with Singeritis. The "disease" was spread from Coldygury to Lukybory and to Wangury and Cozybory before being contained.
*In a previous episode, the Ghostygurys have also helped Noonbory and his friends defeat the plans of Wangury and his henchmen.
*Rosygury has enlisted the help of Kikibory by pretending to be a Bory in distress. Using Kikibory, she has managed to steal valuables that belong to various members of the Bory tribe.
However, Wangury never seeks of help of any Bory because he wants to conquer Toobalooba. He even makes enemies of the other Gurys when they become nice to the Borys.
*For example, Wangury steals Coldygury's sled when he wants to have a sled race with the Borys. At first, Coldygury was furious at the Borys for not having his sled and attacked them with snowballs. Wangury turned out to be the culprit near the end of the episode.
Mamby is the only "Bory" that cannot speak, but can whistle and transform into just about anything, such as a parachute. This character has the additional ability to stretch its body far.
Taste – Having this super ability allows Totobory to taste things without actually consuming it. This is good for when Totobory has to compare some food-related item to another.
Hear – This super ability permits Jetybory to hear things from far away.
Sight – Lunabory can see things from farther away than anyone else.
Nonsense – Lukybory has a hard time making sense of things; he has a younger sister named Kikibory who has a supersonic scream.
Common sense – Noonbory uses this sense to figure out the most logical thing to do next. He is the only Bory with an older relative seen in the show.
Smell – Pongdybory has the ability to smell things even though it occasionally followed by a powerful sneeze.
Touch – Cozybory has the ability to feel things using the sense of touch.