O Negócio

O Negócio is a Brazilian drama television series created by Luca Paiva Mello and Rodrigo Castilho, and written by Fabio Danesi, Camila Raffanti and Alexandre Soares Silva. It was produced by HBO Latin America in partnership with Mixer.
The series follows the lives of Karin, Luna, Magali and Mia, high-class call girls who stand out in the market. They have put in practice various marketing strategies that they have learned and, with this, not only conquered space in the market but also created the successful company "Oceano Azul".

Cast and characters

Main cast

Recurring cast



O Négocio began airing on 18 August 2013, on HBO Brasil and HBO Latin America. In September 2013, the series was renewed for its second season, which debuted on 24 August 2014. On 27 April 2015, the third season was announced. The premiere of the third season was confirmed for 24 April 2016. On 14 November 2016, it was officially announced the fourth and final season of O Negócio, which debuted on 18 March 2018.
In Portugal, the series began airing on 19 March 2018 on SIC Radical.


Critical response

The journalist André Santana from television critic website Observatório da televisão, stated "O Negócio was able to reinvent itself on each season, without losing sight of its initial storyline... the series was successful to explore its main theme in the prism of humor." He noted that "even with so many qualities, O Negócio did not escape a depletion of the formula. Therefore, the decision to finish the series at the fourth season was quite happy.", and concluded that "The story was closed at the right time, showing that the Brazilian series production on pay TV has already raised to high levels, and that the Brazilian Teledramaturgy, in general, has many paths to follow."
BuzzFeed published a list of their 26 non-American favorite TV shows and O Négocio was the only Brazilian production listed.