Once Upon a Time... The Americas
Il était une fois... les Amériques is a French animated TV series from 1991 directed by Albert Barillé. It is part of the Once Upon a Time... franchise. The show aired in the United States on the History Channel in January-March 1995.Synopsis
The series, aimed at children, tell the story of the American continent through all its settlements and their historical events.Episodes
- The First Americans
- The Hunters
- The Conquerors of the Great North
- The Promised Land
- The Tumulus Builders
- The Aztecs before the Conquest
- Christopher Columbus' Dream
- America!
- Cortes and the Aztecs
- Que viva Mexico!
- Pizarro and the Inca Empire
- Jacques Cartier
- The Age of the Conquistadores
- Champlain
- England and the Thirteen Colonies
- The Indians in the 17th Century
- The Indians in the 18th Century
- The End of the French Dream
- The 13 Colonies Towards Independence
- The War of Independence
- Ebony Wood
- The Pioneers
- Simon Bolivar
- The Gold Rush
- The End of the Indian People
- Towards the 20th Century