Pablo Fernández Santos

Pablo Fernández Santos is a Spanish politician, procurator in the Cortes of Castile and León and member of Podemos.


Pablo Fernández graduated in Law by the Complutense University of Madrid. He has worked as a self-employed, running a press kiosk in his hometown.
In 2014 he began his militancy in Podemos, being elected representative to the Citizen Council of the party. In February 2015, he was elected as Secretary-General of Podemos in Castile and León by the party’s bases, likewise being designated in April as presidential candidate of the Junta of Castile and León and obtaining in the regional elections of May representation of all provinces, except for Soria, in the Cortes of Castile and León.
In May 2017, he was reelected Secretary-General of Podemos-Castile and León.