The gunnels are a family, Pholidae, of marine fishes in the order Perciformes. They are elongated, somewhat eel-like fishes that range from the intertidal zone to depths of, though the majority are found in shallow waters. Most are restricted to the North Pacific, ranging as far south as Baja California and East China. The only exceptions are Pholis gunnellus from the North Atlantic, and P. fasciata from the Arctic Sea, North Atlantic and North Pacific. They typically reach a maximum length of, but Apodichthys flavidus reaches. They eat small crustaceans and molluscs.Species
The 15 species in three genera are:
- Genus Apodichthys Girard 1854
- * Penpoint gunnel, A. flavidus Girard 1854
- * Rockweed gunnel, A. fucorum Jordan & Gilbert 1880
- * Kelp gunnel, A. sanctaerosae Gilbert & Starks 1897
- Genus Pholis Scopoli 1777
- * Longfin gunnel, P. clemensi Rosenblatt 1964
- * P. crassispina Temminck & Schlegel 1845
- * P. fangi Wang & Wang 1935
- * Banded gunnel, P. fasciata Bloch & Schneider 1801
- * Rock gunnel, P. gunnellus Linnaeus 1758
- * Crescent gunnel, P. laeta Cope 1873
- * P. nea Peden & Hughes 1984
- * Tidepool gunnel, P. nebulosa Temminck & Schlegel 1845
- * Saddleback gunnel, P. ornata Girard 1854
- * P. picta Kner 1868
- * Red gunnel, P. schultzi Schultz 1931
- Genus Rhodymenichthys Jordan and Evermann 1896
- * Stippled gunnel, R. dolichogaster Pallas 1814