Polydora was the name of several characters in Greek mythology:
- Polydora, one of the Oceanids.
- Polydora, a nymph and one of the Danaïdes, mother of King Dryops of Oeta, by Spercheus.
- Polydora, daughter of Peleus and Antigone, daughter of King Eurytion of Phthia. She married Borus, son of Perieres, who wooed her with large dowry, but regardless of this, Polydora became the mother of Menesthius by Spercheus.
- Polydora, daughter of Perieres and wife of Peleus. In some accounts, she became the mother of Menesthius by Spercheus.
- Polydora, daughter of Meleager possible wife of Protesilaus.
- Polydora, one of the Amazons.
- Polydora, wife of Aphareus of Messenia and thus, the possible mother of his children, Idas, Lynceus and Peisus. In some accounts, the consort of Aphareus was called Arene or Laocoosa.