Prix Sainte-Beuve

The Prix Sainte-Beuve, established in 1946, is a French literary prize awarded each year to a writer in the categories "novels" and "essays" ; it is named after the writer Charles-Augustin Sainte-Beuve. The founding jury included Raymond Aron, Maurice Blanchot,, Maurice Nadeau, Jean Paulhan and Raymond Queneau.


In 2008 a Prix Sainte-Beuve des collégiens, also called Prix Sainte-Beuve des collégiens et des apprentis was created. An interschool contest literary critic takes place before the election of a youth novel by college students and apprentices. Designed and coordinated by Pierric Maelstaf, this price is borne by the association "çà & là" and the County Council of Pas-de-Calais.

List of laureates