
Quintuplets is an American sitcom that aired 22 episodes on Fox from June 16, 2004 to January 12, 2005. The program starred Andy Richter and Rebecca Creskoff and shared some of their experiences parenting teenage quintuplets.


The series is set in Nutley, New Jersey, and looks like a typical family sitcom. Much of the storyline focuses on the difficulty of supporting a large family of teens, both financially and emotionally, as they grapple with the reality that they're no longer as cute as when they were babies.
The house is a typical three-bedroom family home. The three male siblings share a room with bunk beds, the two females share another room. The kitchen contains a double-wide beer cooler as a refrigerator, and the basement contains a walk-in freezer, both to store the large amounts of food such a large family requires. The situation may be seen to parallel and parody the old sitcom The Brady Bunch, by highlighting the impracticality of the large family.
The theme song, "Suk or Shine," was performed by Chris and Tad.
