Salmedin Mesihović

Salmedin Mesihović is a professor of history and archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy, Department of History, at University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.


He is trained historian and archaeologist. He studied history at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy, at the University of Sarajevo and graduated in 1999. His postgraduate and magisterial came in 2004 at the Archaeology postgraduate studies of the Faculty of Philosophy, of the University of Zagreb, defending his master's thesis: Problem kulturne i etničke zajednice Autarijata. At the same University, he defended his doctoral dissertation in 2007 entitled: Dezitijati: kulturna i narodnosno-politička zajednica u Iliriku i osvajanja Oktavijanova doba.

Employment and works

He has been working at the Department of History of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo since 2000. He became assistant professor in 2009, and an associate professor of Ancient history from 2013. He participated in a number of scientific conferences.
He was the Head of the Department of Archaeology at the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Sarajevo from 2009 to 2012.
As an author Mesihović has written a number of papers, published in various domestic and international scientific and professional journals and periodicals, such as Godišnjak Centra za balkanološka ispitivanja, Prilozi Instituta za istoriju, Historijska traganja, Znakovi vremena, Bosna Franciscana.
He is a co-author of several textbooks, schoolbooks for primary and secondary education level schools.
