Salzburg Research

Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft mbH is an independent research and technology organisation, located in Salzburg, Austria. The research technology organisation specializes in applied research and development in the field of information and communications technologies.


In 1996, the Telekom Research Center of Salzburg's University of Applied Sciences and the Institute for Information Economics and New Media merged into the Techno-Z Forschungs- und Entwicklungs GmbH. On January 19, 2000 the State of Salzburg became the sole owner of the research organisation, turning it into the "Salzburg Research Forschungsgesellschaft".

Research departments and projects

In addition to the core competencies of the individual research groups Salzburg Research works in the following interdisciplinary research topics: e-Health, e-Tourism, e-Energy, and Industrial Internet.
Salzburg Research is involved in several international R&D projects funded by the EU Framework Programmes for Research and Technological Development and many national research projects - some examples:
Furthermore, Salzburg Research co-ordinated the Competence Centers Salzburg NewMediaLab in the area of New Media, ANET and e-motion in the field of e-Tourism and since November 2018 the COMET-Project Digital-Motion in Sports, Fitness and Well-being.
