
Skärgårdsdoktorn is a Swedish television series produced by SVT Drama. The series ran from 1997 to 2000 and a total of 18 episodes were produced. In English, the title could be translated as The archipelago doctor, and it came to be one of the most popular Swedish TV series of the 1990s, and with its average viewership of approximately 2.5 million it is considered one of the greatest successes of SVT Drama. Created by Lars Bill Lundholm and Gunilla Linn Persson, the first 8 episodes were directed by Martin Asphaug. The series was also broadcast in Norway, Finland and Denmark.
In May 2009, the plans to produce a cinema feature film of Skärgårdsdoktorn were announced. Featuring the same characters ten years after, the estimated release date was Christmas 2010, or possibly January or February 2011. The film never materialized and was scrapped.


The storyline follows a medical doctor, played by Samuel Fröler, who moves with his teenage daughter, played by Ebba Hultkvist, to Saltö, a small society on a fictional island in the Stockholm archipelago, and takes over his father-in-law's medical practice.
The plots deal with medical emergencies as well as relationship issues, and the daughter's longing for her mother who lives in Africa, having in the last moment chosen to stay behind to continue her work.


Main characters