So Cosmo

So Cosmo is an American reality television series that premiered on February 8, 2017, on the E! cable network. The show follows the personal and professional lives of several young people working for Cosmopolitan, an American magazine for women.


The series was announced on December 13, 2016.
The cast list was announced on February 3, 2017.
On August 19, 2017, a fan asked cast member Evan Betts on Instagram if the show would be returning, he replied "unfortunately not, but that's okay".


- Chief Content Officer
Leah Wyar - Executive beauty director
Steven Brown - Bookings director
Tiffany Reid - Senior fashion editor
Diandra Barnwell - Brand coordinator
Evan Betts - Fitness contributor
James DeMolet - Senior fashion editor
Adam Mansuroglu - Fashion editor
Michelle Promaulayko - New editor in chief
Matthew Hussey - Relationship contributor


Internationally, the series premiered in Australia on the local version of E! on February 14, 2017.
The show premiered on February 14, 2017 in New Zealand on the E! Network.
The show premiered in United Kingdom in March 2017.


The theme song is "ARMS CTRL" performed by PANGS.
