Space-based measurements of carbon dioxide

Space-based measurements of carbon dioxide are used to help answer questions about Earth's carbon cycle. There are a variety of active and planned instruments for measuring carbon dioxide in Earth's atmosphere from space. The first satellite mission designed to measure was the Interferometric Monitor for Greenhouse Gases on board the ADEOS I satellite in 1996. This mission lasted less than a year. Since then, additional space-based measurements have begun, including those from two high-precision satellites. Different instrument designs may reflect different primary missions.

Purposes and highlights of findings

There are outstanding questions in carbon cycle science that satellite observations can help answer. The Earth system absorbs about half of all anthropogenic emissions. However, it is unclear exactly how this uptake is partitioned to different regions across the globe. It is also uncertain how different regions will behave in terms of flux under a different climate. For example, a forest may increase uptake due to the fertilization or β-effect, or it could release due to increased metabolism by microbes at higher temperatures. These questions are difficult to answer with historically spatially and temporally limited data sets.
Even though satellite observations of are somewhat recent, they have been used for a number of different purposes, some of which are highlighted here.
of trace gases has several challenges. Most techniques rely on observing infrared light reflected off Earth's surface. Because these instruments use spectroscopy, at each sounding footprint a spectrum is recorded—this means there is a significantly more data to transfer than what would be required of just an RGB pixel. Changes in surface albedo and viewing angles may affect measurements, and satellites may employ different viewing modes over different locations; these may be accounted for in the algorithms used to convert raw into final measurements. As with other space-based instruments, space debris must be avoided to prevent damage.
Water vapor can dilute other gases in air and thus change the amount of in a column above the surface of the Earth, so often column-average dry-air mole fractions are reported instead. To calculate this, instruments may also measure O, which is diluted similarly to other gases, or the algorithms may account for water and surface pressure from other measurements. Clouds may interfere with accurate measurements so platforms may include instruments to measure clouds. Because of measurement imperfections and errors in fitting signals to obtain X, space-based observations may also be compared with ground-based observations such as those from the TCCON.

List of instruments

Instrument/satellitePrimary institutionService datesApproximate usable
daily soundings
sounding size
Public dataNotesRefs
HIRS-2/TOVS NOAA Measuring was not an original mission goal
IMG NASDA 50FTS system
SCIAMACHY ESA, IUP University of Bremen 5,000
AIRS JPL 18,000
GOSATJAXA 10,00010.5 km diameterFirst dedicated high precision mission, also measures CH4
OCOJPL 100,000Failed to reach orbit
OCO-2JPL 100,000High precision
GHGSat-D GHGSat ~2–5 images,
10,000+ pixels each
CubeSat and imaging spectrometer using Fabry-Pérot interferometer
TanSat CAS 100,000Yes
GAS FTS aboard FY-3DCMA 15,00013 km diameter
GMI CAS 10.3 km diameterSpatial heterodyne
GOSAT-2JAXA 10,000+9.7 km diameterYes Will also measure CH4 and CO
OCO-3JPL 100,000Mounted on the ISS
MicroCarbCNES expected 2021~30,000Will likely also measure CH4
GOSAT-3JAXA expected 2022
GeoCARBUniversity of Oklahoma expected 2023~800,000First -observing geosynchronous satellite, will also measure CH4 and CO

Partial column measurements

In addition to the total column measurements of down to the ground, there have been several limb sounders that have measured through the edge of Earth's upper atmosphere, and thermal instruments that measure the upper atmosphere during the day and night.
There have been other conceptual missions which have undergone initial evaluations but have not been chosen to become a part of space-based observing systems. These include: