
Speedtalk is a fictional constructed language and key plot device in Robert A. Heinlein's novella Gulf. Speedtalk is a logic-based language with complex syntax, minimal vocabulary, and a rich phoneme inventory ; it would make both communication and thought more efficient and precise. A single phoneme indicates a word, so a "word" indicates a sentence. In the only example given, a "word" means "The far horizons draw no nearer."

Examples of Speedtalk

Two untranslated conversations appear in the story:

"œnɪe ʀ ħøg rylp"
"ɨpbitʹ New Jersey."

Attempts at creating Speedtalks

's Language Construction Kit has a section on Speedtalk entitled . He highlights the main problems with Speedtalk:
This first point has been made somewhat irrelevant by the comments of Ben Sandler in his article "", demonstrating a system by which many thousands of meaningful sounds can be created. As such, some have attempted to construct similar languages. Ithkuil, in particular, comes close to this ideal, with the vast majority of its morphemes being a single syllable, and sometimes even a single phoneme, in length. However, the author of the language states that this was not the language's primary purpose; the conciseness of its meaningful units was meant to foster "maximal communication of cognitive intent in the most efficient manner; a somewhat different purpose, in which brevity per se is irrelevant."