Standard ML of New Jersey

Standard ML of New Jersey is a free and open-source compiler and programming environment for the Standard ML programming language. Aside from its runtime system, which is written in C, SML/NJ is written in Standard ML. It was originally developed jointly by Bell Laboratories and Princeton University.
Its name is a reference both to the American state of New Jersey in which Princeton and Bell Labs are located and to Standard Oil of New Jersey, the famous oil monopoly of the early 20th century.


SML/NJ extends the SML'97 Basis Library with several additional top-level structures:
Additionally, SML/NJ provides some syntactic constructs that are not standard features of SML'97:
With the 110.81 release, the evolution of SML/NJ is geared towards evolving the Standard ML Basis library and supporting Successor ML features.
In the current release, the Successor ML features can be enabled using the command-line option -Cparser.succ-ml=true.
The Successor ML documents have been extracted from the SML/NJ '97 TeX files and made available as a GitHub repository of TeX documents which the community is expected to collaborate and grow the language.
In addition, HaMLet has a complete implementation of Successor ML features. The practical knowledge so gained, is being incorporated in SML/NJ as it evolves through its releases.