Studio 4 (TV series)
Studio 4 is a BBC drama anthology series utilising BBC Television Centre's Studio Four, and running for two series in 1962. The series was envisaged as a sequel to Storyboard, an anthology series which had been transmitted the previous year.Episodes
Series 1
- "The Cross and the Arrow"
- "The Second Curtain"
- "Flight Into Danger"
- "The Intrigue"
- "Call Me Back"
- "The Ballad of Peckham Rye"
- "Look Who's Talking"
- "The Victorian Chaise Longue"
- "The Grass Is Singing"
- "North Flight"
- "A Voice from the Top"
- "The Imbroglio"
Series 2
- "Doctor Korczak and the Children"
- "The Weather in the Streets"
- "Summer Storm"
- "Address Unknown"
- "Stamboul Train"
- "Comrade Jacob"
Only two of the 18 plays survive in their transmitted form in the BBC archives. One of these, Doctor Korczak and the Children, was adapted and directed by Rudolph Cartier, and was shown as part of a retrospective of Cartier's television career at the National Film Theatre in London in 1990.