
Superprofit, surplus profit or extra surplus-value is a concept in Karl Marx's critique of political economy subsequently elaborated by Vladimir Lenin and other Marxist thinkers.

Origin of the concept in Karl Marx's ''Capital''

The term superprofit was first used by Marx in Das Kapital. It refers to above-average enterprise profits, arising in three main situations:
Although Marx does not discuss this in detail, there could be included a fourth case, namely superprofits arising from structural unequal exchange in the world economy. In this case, superprofit arises simply through buying products cheaply in one place and selling them at a much higher price elsewhere, yielding an above-average profit margin. This type of superprofit may not be attributable to extra productivity or monopoly conditions and represent only a transfer of value from one place to another.

Leninist interpretation

According to Leninism, superprofits are extracted from the workers in colonial countries by the imperialist powers. Part of these superprofits are then distributed to the workers in the imperialists' home countries in order to buy their loyalty, achieve political stability and avoid a workers' revolution, usually by means of reformist labor parties. The workers who receive a large enough share of the superprofits have an interest to defend the capitalist system, so they become a labor aristocracy.
Superprofit in Marxist–Leninist theory is the result of unusually severe exploitation or superexploitation. All capitalist profit in Marxist–Leninist theory is based on exploitation, but superprofit is achieved by taking exploitation above and beyond its normal level. In Marxism–Leninism, there are no profits that could result from an activity or transaction that did not involve exploitation, except socialist profits in a Soviet-type economy.

Criticism of Leninist interpretation

Critics of Lenin's theory hold a different view. Their argument can be summarised in the following points:
Leninists reply that cheap consumer goods are precisely the method through which global capitalists allow workers in their home countries to share in their superprofits. The capitalists could sell those consumer goods at higher prices and obtain higher profits, but they choose to sell them cheap instead in order to make them widely available to workers in their home countries and thereby spread a consumer culture that erodes class consciousness and removes the threat of revolution.
In other words, capitalists sacrifice some of their superprofit—either consciously or unconsciously—for the sake of increased stability at home. Once a worker owns a foreign-made fridge, car, stereo, DVD-player and vacuumcleaner, he no longer thinks of revolution and thinks capitalism is the best of all possible worlds. However, other Marxists regard this line of thinking as a vulgar economic reductionism and regard it as a fallacy to think that capitalists choose to sell goods cheaply for some political purpose. That would be only an exception to the rule, which is that goods are sold at the highest price that enables those goods to be sold.

Ernest Mandel's theory

argues in his book Late Capitalism that the frontline of capitalist development is always ruled by the search for surplus-profits.
Mandel argues that the growth pattern of modern capitalism is shaped by the quest for surplus-profits in monopolistic and oligopolistic markets in which a few large corporations dominate supply. Thus, the extra or above-average profits do not arise so much from real productivity gains, but from corporations monopolising access to resources, technologies and markets. It is not so much that enterprises with superior productivity outsell competitors, but that competitors are blocked in various ways from competing, for example through cartelisation, mergers, fusions, take-overs, government-sanctioned licensing, exclusive production and selling rights. In that case, the extra profits have less to do with reward for entrepreneurship than with market position and market power, i.e. the ability to offload business costs onto someone else and force consumers to pay extra for access to the goods and services they buy, based on supply monopolies.
Tibor Palánkai instead argues that while superprofit can be monopolistic profit, abusing monopoly position is regulated by rigorous competition policies in developed democratic countries. Superprofit coming from other sources like comparative advantages or technical innovation contribute to public welfare.