Sweet Sixteen (apple)

Sweet Sixteen is a cultivar of domesticated apple.

Its origin

The Sweet Sixteen apple was developed, at the University of Minnesota, in 1977.



The Sweet Sixteen is crisp and juicy, has an exotic yellow flesh, mixed with red. It is very sweet, with an unusual flavor of sugar cane, or spicy cherry candy. The fruit can store for 5 to 8 weeks. The Sweet Sixteen is quite vigorous. The fruit may have premature drops. Sweet Sixteen usually ripens, mid- to late September.
The Sweet Sixteen is resistant to fire blight and scab. Sweet Sixteen has fragrant, and long-lasting white flowers

The fruit of the Sweet Sixteen

The fruit is medium size, the apple red striped. Sweet Sixteen has medium storage.

The Sweet Sixteen's tolerance for cold climates

The Sweet Sixteen is one of the best apples to endure cold climates.

USDA Hardiness Zone

Sweet Sixteen has USDA Hardiness Zone of Zones 4 to 7, so can withstand cold winters.

General disease resistance

The Sweet Sixteen has good disease resistance.


It is best to plant Sweet Sixteen in sandy loam to clay loam soil.


Sweet Sixteen is moderately drought tolerant.

Light Range

Sweet Sixteen prefers full sun.

The preferred soil Ph of Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen prefers a pH of 6.0—7.0.

The pollination of the Sweet Sixteen

The Sweet Sixteen is not self-fertile, and may be pollinated by a variety of other apple cultivars.

When ripens

The Sweet Sixteen ripens mid- to late September.