The Terascale Open-source Resource and QUEue Manager is a distributed resource manager providing control over batch jobs and distributed compute nodes. TORQUE can integrate with the non-commercial Maui Cluster Scheduler or the commercial Moab Workload Manager to improve overall utilization, scheduling and administration on a cluster.
The TORQUE community has extended the original PBS to extend scalability, fault tolerance, and functionality. Contributors include NCSA, OSC, USC, the US DOE, Sandia, PNNL, UB, TeraGrid, and other HPC organizations. As of June 2018, TORQUE is no longer open-source even though previously it was described by its developers as open-source software, using the OpenPBS version 2.3 license and as non-free software by the Debian Free Software Guidelines due to license issues.

Feature set

TORQUE provides enhancements over standard OpenPBS in the following areas: