The Teekloof Formation overlies the Abrahamskraal Formation and is not capped by any other preserved sedimentation. Only East of 24ºE does the preservation of Beaufort Group rocks continue. There is no rock preservation in the western-southwestern portions of the Karoo Basin. It is unclear whether rock preservation there ceased in the Late Permian due to localized basinal tectonics, or if that rock material was preserved but later weathered away. The Teekloof Formation has five subdivisions or members which are listed below :
Poortjie Member - Correlates with the Pristerognathus Assemblage Zone
Hoedemaker Member - Correlates with the Tropidostoma Assemblage Zone
Oukloof Member - Correlates with the Cistecephalus Assemblage Zone
Steenkampsvlakte Member - Correlates with the Daptocephalus Assemblage Zone
Javanerskop Member - Correlates with the Daptocephalus Assemblage Zone
The sedimentary rocks of this formation are predominantly reddish or minor green mudstones that are either structureless, horizontally laminated, or medium to thickly bedded. Pedogenic and diageneticcarbonatenodules and also fossilgypsum rosettes occur in the mudstone deposits. Interbedded with the mudstone deposits are minor channel sandstones ranging from pale olive to greenish-grey in colour. The sandstones are fine to medium grained and preserve fining-upward sequences. In the uppermost sections of the Teekloof Formation, the Javanerskop Member contains ribbon-shaped, single storied sandstones. These sandstones in the uppermost sections contain numerous erosional surfaces lined with siltstone or mudstone pellet conglomerates. Geologists consider the Teekloof Formation depositional environment to have been a floodplainfacies association that underwent seasonal arid conditions and playa lake formation as indicated by the presence of fossil gypsum rosettes and carbonate nodules. The sandstone occurrences preserve evidence of deposition on point bars in a meandering river system. Seasonal waning flood level events are indicated by the fining upward sequences.
The Teekloof Formation is rich in fossil material and is particularly renowned for its diverse therapsid fossil fauna. Plant and invertebratetrace fossils are also found as are some preserved vertebrate fossil trackways. Well-known trackways of the pareiasaurBradysaurus, and therapsids Diictodon and Tapinocaninus have been found by the town Fraserburg.