The Full Catastrophe

The Full Catastrophe is a comic phrase usually used to characterize any kind of disaster.


"The Full Catastrophe" first occurs in the 1964 film Zorba the Greek. It is spoken by the character Zorba, a colorful Greek with a zest for life. Zorba has insinuated himself into the employ of Basil, a bookish Englishman who has inherited a mine in Crete. In a boat on their way to the island, Basil asks Zorba if he is married. Zorba laments, in accented English, "Am I not a man? And is not a man stupid? I'm a man, so I'm married. Wife, children, house--everything. The full catastrophe." The English screenplay, written by the film's Greek Cypriot director Michael Cacoyannis, is based on the 1946 novel of the same title by Nikos Kazantzakis. The screenplay dialogue above blends and condenses the language of two distinct scenes in the novel. In the first, the narrator, having just met Zorba, asks him if he is married. Zorba: "Aren't I a man? I mean blind. Like everyone else before me, I fell headlong into the ditch. I married. I took the road downhill. I became head of a family, I built a house, I had children--trouble!" Later, when Basil asks Zorba how many times he has been married, he responds, "What are you delving into now? D'you think I'm not a man? Like everyone else, I've committed the Great Folly. That's what I call marriage--may married folk forgive me! Yes, I've committed the Great Folly--I've married!" The phrase "the full catastrophe" does not actually occur in the novel. In a 2011 interview, Cacoyannis, who was fluent in English, said that in writing the script he consciously chose the non-idiomatic expression "the full catastrophe" for Zorba for the sake of “humor and impact.”

Use in popular culture

"The full catastrophe" in uses after the film most commonly refers to the stresses of marriage and family life, but it has been used in broader senses as well.