The Jihad

"The Jihad" is the sixteenth and final episode of the first season of the American animated science fiction television series '. It first aired in the NBC Saturday morning lineup on January 12, 1974, and was written by Stephen Kandel who also wrote the earlier story "Mudd's Passion" and worked on the two ' "Mudd" episodes.
Set in the 23rd century, this series follows the further adventures of the crew of the Federation starship Enterprise. In this episode, Captain Kirk and his first officer, Spock, become involved in a secret quest to retrieve a stolen artifact and prevent a warrior race from attacking the galaxy.


On stardate 5683.1, the Federation starship Enterprise arrives at the Vedala asteroid, where Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock have been summoned to take part in the latest of several failed secret quests to learn about a stolen religious artifact, the "Soul of the Skorr", the theft of which could ignite a galactic holy war.
Joining Kirk and Spock is a team of specialists called in to help recover the item, which has been hidden on a very unstable and dangerous planet. The focal point of the mission as the primary stakeholder is "Tchar", the hereditary prince of the Skorr. The muscle of the team is provided by "Sord", a reptilian with great strength. An insectoid named "M3 Green" is a master lockpick. The team is rounded out by the huntress "Lara", a humanoid who is an accomplished tracker with an impeccable sense of direction, especially when she finds a man to be attractive.
Kirk and Spock soon learn that one member of the party is a saboteur. It seems that Tchar has stolen the artifact himself in an effort to return his people to their warrior ways.
When the mission is completed, Tchar is held captive as insane, although with good prospects of rehabilitation. The Vedala states that they will eventually forget that these events ever happened. Kirk and Spock return to the Enterprise, where it seems that hardly any time at all has passed since their beam down to begin the mission.


Science fiction author David Gerrold, who wrote or co-wrote a number of live-action and animated Star Trek episodes, voices the character M3 Green for this episode. Actor James Doohan voices Sord and Tchar, in addition to his usual role as Chief Engineer Scott. Although given the standard screen credit in the main title, Nichelle Nichols is not part of this episode. Since she was dealing with pregnancy sickness, Majel Barrett was also absent, so Filmation mainstay Jane Webb stepped in to voice all the women characters.


Mark A. Altman and Ed Gross said the episode "most probably resembles Saturday morning fare — though with Trek's traditionally heady bent." They allowed that some of the banter between Kirk and the huntress Laura, who flirts with the captain in a Brooklyn accent, is amusing, and that the null gravity combat is clever. They concluded "The Jihad" to be a successful break from typical Trek episode.