The Red Rose (1951 film)
The Red Rose is a French comedy film from 1951, directed by Marcello Pagliero, written by Robert Scipion and starring Françoise Arnoul and Louis de Funès.Cast
- Louis de Funès: Manito
- Les Frères Jacques as themselves
- Yves Robert: Yves Gérard, the leader of a group supposed to replace the Frères Jacques
- Françoise Arnoul: Martine
- Jacques Hilling: Mr Guillet
- Edmond Tamiz: Mr Garone
- Guy Pierrault: member of Yves' team
- Jean Bellanger: member of Yves' team
- Yves Deniaud: Albert, director
- Dora Doll: Evelyne Dorsey, the movie star
- Maurice Teynac: Jean Maréchal, the film-maker
- Barbara Laage: Claire Claris, photographer
- Philippe Olive: Mr Matignon, Evelyne's producer
- Jean-Roger Caussimon: the barkeeper
- Geneviève Morel: cloakroom attendant
- Maurice Regamey: the tourist guide
- Nico: the director of the « La Rose Rouge »
- Maurice Dorléac: the cashier
- Grégoire Gromoff: the tourist who takes photographs
- Marcello Pagliero as himself
- Robert Scipion as himself