The Retrieval
The Retrieval is a 2013 American drama film written and directed by Chris Eska. The film stars Ashton Sanders, Tishuan Scott, Keston John, Bill Oberst Jr., Christine Horn and Alfonso Freeman. The film was released on April 2, 2014, by Variance Films.Cast
- Ashton Sanders as Will
- Tishuan Scott as Nate
- Keston John as Marcus
- Bill Oberst Jr. as Burrell
- Christine Horn as Rachel
- Alfonso Freeman as Isaac
- Raven Nicole LeDeatte as Abby
- Jonathan Brooks as Royce
- Jody Stelzig as Chasing Cavalryman
- Sam Pullin as Ryan
The film premiered at South by Southwest on March 11, 2013. The film was released on April 2, 2014, by Variance Films.