The Tunnel Thru the Air; Or, Looking Back from 1940

The Tunnel Thru the Air, Or, Looking Back from 1940 is a science fiction novel written by market forecaster William Delbert Gann in 1927. In the Foreword, Gann hinted that this book is more than just a novel because it "contains a valuable secret, clothed in veiled language. Some will find it the first time they read it, others will see it in the second reading, but the greatest number will find the hidden secret when they read it the third time." Some traders believe Gann has encoded some techniques of financial astrology into this book, and some even claim that they have devoted a lifetime to study this text.


The story is roughly divided into two parts: before and after 1927, the year in which it was written. The story began in the late evening of 9 June 1906, when the protagonist Robert Gordon was born. The early part of the book is mostly about the early life of Robert, including how he found and lost his true love, Marie Stanton, who was born on 6 October 1908. The loss of Marie Stanton inspired Robert to become the greatest inventor in history. After 1927, the book describes an imaginary war from April 1930 to July 1932, in which Robert single-handedly help the United States to win with his amazing inventions.

The imaginary war and its hidden meaning

The imaginary war vs. the Great Depression

Some writers, including W.D.’s grandson John L. Gann, think that the imaginary war in the book was a prediction of the Second World War. However, the war in the book was from 1930 to 1932, whereas the Second World War started about ten years later. Therefore, unless Gann was making a very serious mistake, he could not be referring to it. Since there was no war against the US in 1930 in actual history, some believe that it was Gann’s prediction for the Great Depression in the form of a metaphor. Below is a table comparing the timeline of the imaginary war and the Great Depression:
DateEventThe Dow
Fall 1929Spain and Japan were threatening the United States.The famous 1929 crash.
Apr 1930Japan declared war with the United States, and attacked the East Coast.A major top below 300 after the 1929 crash.
1 Aug 1930El Paso was bombed.A lower top below 250 after the one in April.
24 Jun 1931Cairo, IL destroyed.Falling below 150.
2 Aug 1931St. Louis attacked.A top around 150.
2 Oct 1931Chicago attacked.Falling below 100.
15 Oct 1931Robert became the Supreme Commander of the US army.Rally back above 100.
24 Nov 1931US fought back.Struggling above 100
7 Dec 1931Detroit attacked.Falling below 90.
6 Jun 1932Boston attacked.Approaching 50.
8 Jun 1932Battle of NYC.Support around 50.
4 July 1932The US won the war against the world, and a 3-day holiday followed.The end of the long bear market on 8 Jul 1932.
30 August 1932Robert reunioned with Marie.Getting back above 50.

Transits to the 1776 US independence chart

Bonnie Hill found that all the turning points of the imaginary war in the book were related to transits to the US chart, mostly by Mars. Hill also noted that Gann was using the Gemini-rising chart of the US Independence, which was also used by other famous astrologers.
DatePage #ActionAstrological Reasons
Apr 1930277Japan attacked the United StatesG Mars 90 N Mars
G Mars 180 N Neptune
G Uranus 90 N Sun
1 Aug 1930285El Paso was bombedG Mars 30 N Sun
24 Jun 1931311Cairo, IL destroyedG Mars 30 N Mean North Node
G Pluto 60 N Neptune*
2 Aug 1931315St. Louis attackedG Mars 15 N Saturn
G Pluto 30 N Mars*
2 Oct 1931320Chicago attackedG Mars 105 N Mercury
2 Oct 1931321CBOT destroyedG Pluto 30 N ASC*
15 Oct 1931338US defied enemyG Sun 120 N Mars
G Neptune 90 N ASC
24 Nov 1931347US fought backG Mars 60 N Moon
7 Dec 1931349Enemy attacked DetroitG Mars 30 N Pluto*
G Saturn 150 N Mars
6 Jun 1932358Enemy attacked BostonG Mars 90 N Moon
8 Jun 1932362Battle of NYCG Mars 30 N Mars
G Uranus 150 N Neptune
4 Jul 1932383Enemy attacked Washington DCG Mars 0 N ASC
G Mars 0 N Uranus
30 Aug 1932407World Peace Conference in NYCG Venus 30 N Mars

Encoding techniques


Petter Ivar Amundsen believes that the title of the book is an anagram. He replaced the “1940” in the title with the following letters:
He rearranged the letters, and the title became “From the Lunar Return, Looking back to His Mother”. Amundsen noted that Marie disappeared on 5 June 1927, when the Moon was in Leo, and she reappeared on 30 August 1932, when the Moon was in Leo again.
He also noted that the date of the Foreword was 9 May 1927, which was 1940 days before the end of the novel, 30 August 1932.

Book cover

The original 1927 book cover depicts some planes flying around a tunnel in the sky. Paul Nipperess notices that the number and location of planes displays some Fibonacci relationships.

Fake quotes

There are a number of quotes in the book which are unclear if they are really said or written by the person. For example, on page 191, Gann “quoted” Pythagoras in the following passage: “‘There are in woman’s eyes two sorts of tears, the one of grief; the other of deceit.’ I think that is because there are two kinds of men, one who appreciates love and honor and gives sympathy; the other kind who is selfish, expects something for nothing and must meet with deceit.” Brian Sklenka thinks that Gann was trying to draw the readers’ attention to the Pyathagoras, and the numbers “two” and “one”, indirectly hinting that the octave theory discovered by the Greek philosopher.
Similarly, on page 192, Gann included the following “quote” from Southey, “There are three things a wise man will not trust, the wind, the sunshine of an April day and a woman’s plighted faith.” Again, it is an association of the British poet and the number “three”, which is an indirect reference to his famous story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Some esoteric writers like S. J. Pasagic believes that the story is a hidden reference to the Law of Three.

Page numbers

Many believe that Gann used the pages numbers in the 1927 original edition to encode some of his secrets. Here are some examples that the page number is related to the information on that page:
Page NumberContent of the PageRemarks
12This is a part of Chapter 2 in which Robert's mother expressed that “Bobbie had advanced ideas fully a hundred years ahead of his time and that he should be educated and allowed to follow his own ideas”.The page number to the power of the chapter number is 144. Gann has a tool called the Square of 144 which he considered to be one of the most important. The reference to 144 appears again on page 144.
22The phrase “heart jump right up in his throat” appeared three times in book, on page 22, 116 and 241.116/22 is roughly equal to 5.2, or two times of 2.618, the square of the golden ratio 1.618. Similarly, 116/241 is about 48 percent, or subtract it from one makes 52 percent.
26Robert met his love rival, Edward Mason.Edward was actually the first name of Gann's astrologer, Edward Johndro, and the Masons work with esoteric mathematics. In addition, 26 refers to the square of the golden ratio 1.618, or 2.618.
56It is the only page in the book on which the word "eclipse" appears.56 years are about three Saros cycles and considered one complete cycle of eclipses.
69Robert explicitly stated that he believes in “the signs and the stars” and hinted that are astrological references in the Holy Bible.69 is the astrological symbol of Cancer. This is where Robert's natal Venus was, and it would be later transited when he confessed his feelings to Marie.
75It is the start of the seventh chapter, Future Cycles. It is the only place in which Gann openly discussed his method.There are 418 pages in the book, and 418 - 75 = 343, and 343 is the cube of 7. By the way, 343 is about half of the geocentric Mars cycle.
120Marie Stanton disappeared at 3 am on 5 June 1927.The number “3” is hidden in this passage in the following ways:
  • First of all, a Grand Trine appeared on the sky, where the planets are 120 degrees apart, and 120 is 1/3 of 360.
  • Also, 5+6+1+9+2+7 = 30 which is reduced to 3 in numerology.
  • By then, Robert was about 21 years old, and 2+1=3.
  • Not to mention that the time was 3 am.
144The author cites a poem.The poem part of the page contains exactly 144 words, matching the page number. The reference to 144 has appeared before on page 12.
224Robert made his first plane.One heliocentric cycle of Venus is 224 days, and it is believed to be related to the symbolism of the plane.
272-273A birthday party for Robert was being held on 9 June 1929.The party was mentioned again on page 360 when the date was 7 June 1932. The date difference was 1,094 days, or around 40 periods of the lunar cycle of 27.32 days. Some analysts believe that the lunar cycle is correlated with the stock market.
288The US won their first battle since the start of the imaginary war on 3 August 1930.There are 418 pages in the book, and 418 - 288 = 130. The Sun was at 130° in longitude on that day.
289Walter compared this victory to the Battle of Alamo, which was the independence battle of Texas. The term “Lone Star State” appeared the second and last time in the book, since page 1.On both 06 March 1836 and 3 August 1930, Jupiter was in the first decan of Cancer, with an aspect to Saturn. In addition, between the two appearances of “Lone Star State”, the difference is 288 pages. 288 is twice of 144, and 144 months are the approximate orbit of Jupiter.
418The last page of the book.The diagonal of the Giza Pyramid has a length of 418 Royal Cubits.

The disappearance of Marie Stanton

One of the main story line in the novel is that Marie suddenly left Robert in 1927, and she reappeared at the end of the book in 1932. It turns out that all dates related to this incident are related to the positions of Venus, Mars and the Moon:
  1. Texarkana, June 5, 1927, 3 am. The moment of parting Marie and Robert. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Cancer, the Moon at the time of the onset of the event in 28 degrees of Cancer.
  2. Paris, late February 1929. The illusion of meeting Robert and Marie. The conjunction of Mars and Venus in Cancer on a heliocentric chart. Moon Return on the geo-map.
  3. New York, August 30, 1932, 11 am. Meeting Robert and Marie. Lunar return. The connection of Mars and Venus is very close to Cancer.

    Weather forecasting along the Mississippi River

In 1994, retired engineer Bonnie Lee Hill did a public seminar in which she revealed some astrological methods concealed in the Tunnel Thru the Air. Some of the trading rules used by Gann are related to the weather in the area around the Mississippi River, and they are listed below:
Rule PlanetsTime WindowAspect FormedDetailsImplication in Cotton Prices
Wet Cotton FarmerUranus and NeptuneBefore mid-April of each calendar yearMultiples of the 8th or 12th harmonicIf the two planets in question form any of the given aspects within the stated time window, then the Mississippi River will flood in that year.The supply would decrease and the price would go up.
Poor Cotton FarmerJupiter and NeptuneBefore mid-April of each calendar yearMultiples of the 8th or 12th harmonicIf the two planets in question form any of the given aspects within the stated time window, then the rainfall along the Mississippi will be ideal to grow crops.The supply would increase and the price would fall.
Dry Cotton FarmerSaturn and NeptuneBefore mid-April of each calendar yearMultiples of the 8th or 12th harmonicIf the two planets in question form any of the given aspects within the stated time window, then the Mississippi River area will experience horrible drought.The supply would decrease and the price would go up.

The last rule was actually not mentioned at all in the book. It was deduced by Hill after she discovered the first two rules. Here are some actual examples from Hill's lecture:

Wet Cotton Farmer (Uranus-Neptune)

From page 197 to 199, the book described how Robert traded the shares of a company called “Major Motors”. It is in fact an alias for General Motors, just as there is another company in the story called “Major Electric”, which refers to General Electric. Quoting from page 197:
“On Sunday, June 19, 1927, Robert Gordon spent the day studying his charts and working out his cycles for stocks, cotton and grain. He was short of Major Motors and was watching it very closely. On this day he made a new and great discovery of a time factor from which he figured that Major Motors would decline until about June 30th and then start an advance which would last until about September 16th, 1927, when the Company would be 19 years old and at that time the stock would reach final high and would then go down to February to April, 1929. He figured that the stock should advance to around 270 by September 16th and made up his mind to watch it closely and cover his shorts if it went down around June 30th, and then start buying the stock.”

Detailed trades and their astrological aspects

Bonnie Hill detailed the exact trades and their related astrological aspects as below, including both lunar aspects and transits to the GM incorporation chart on 17 Sep 1908:
DateActionAstrological AspectsLunar Aspects
30 Jun 1927Buy GM @ 192.50
Major Bottom
G Sun 150 N ASC
G Sun 30 N Venus
G Sun 90 N Saturn
G Venus 30 N MC
G Mars 30 N Mars
G Moon max North
One day after total solar eclipse
15 Jul 1927Buy GM @ 204
Start pyramid
G Sun 135 N ASC
G Mars 30 N MC
G Jupiter 0 Uranus
G Moon max South
Full Moon
21 Jul 1927Buy GM @ 214G Mars 135 N UranusG Moon 0 North
Quarter Moon
26 Jul 1927Buy GM @ 224G Mercury 135 N ASC
G Mars 0 N Jupiter
G Moon max North
5 Aug 1927GM up to 230
Raised stop to 225
G Mars 90 N ASC
G Saturn SD
Quarter Moon
8 Aug 1927Stop loss was hitG Venus 75 N ASC
G Venus 0 South
12 Aug 1927Buy GM @ 218G Venus 0 N MC
G Jupiter 0 G Uranus
G Mercury Leo
Full Moon
20 Aug 1927Buy GM @ 228G Venus SRQuarter Moon
24 Aug 1927Buy GM @ 238G Mercury 105 N ASC
G Sun 0 N Jupiter
G Sun Virgo
G Moon max South
26 Aug 1927Buy GM @ 248G Venus 0 N MCNew Moon
7 Sep 1927GM is at 253G Pluto 0 N Neptune *
G Mercury 0 Venus
G Moon max South
14 Sep 1927Buy GM @ 258G NN 90 N Sun
G Mars 0 South
G Mars 180 G Uranus
G Mercury Libra
G Moon 0 North
16 Sep 1927Sell GM @ 272
Birthday of GM
G Sun 0 N Sun
G Mercury 0 South
G Uranus 0 South

Regarding this plethora of astrological aspects, Hill only had the following to comment:
Other than that, she did not go further to separate the wheat from the chaff, and delineate how other traders could apply this cluster of seemingly unrelated aspects to their trading.

Relationship to eclipses

Gann strongly hinted at the astrological influence when he stated that Major Motors’ share price would rise during this period because of “a new and great discovery of a time factor” which would make the price to stop declining “about June 30th”. Daniel Ferrera noted that there was a total solar eclipse on 29th June, 1927, and Saturn was going retrograde. By the middle of September that year, Saturn had turned direct and returned to its spot during the eclipse. Also, this total eclipse fell with the Sun Square to natal Saturn. This is a seemingly very negative aspect, but Ferrera explains that the Natal Saturn was retrograde, and when a planet is retrograde, aspects are reversed that good aspects such as trines and sextiles become negative and bad aspects such as squares & oppositions become positive.
Ferrera also pointed out that, prior to the first trade on 30 Jun 1927, the total lunar eclipse on 15 Jun created some negative transits, because the Moon was in exact opposition to natal Pluto, and the Sun Square to the natal Sun. This is why Gann expected the price to decline into 30 Jun 1927.

Relationship to the Gann angles and the Hexagon chart

As James Smithson noted, Robert forecasted that Major Motor's share price would rise between June 30 and September 16, 1927 due to positive astrological influences. This is a period of 78 days, during which he forecast that the price would rise from 192½ to 270, which rounds up to 78 points. After a rise of 78 points in 78 days time and price would be squared and the uptrend would end. Similarly, Daniel Ferrera noted that the bottom price of $192½ is in opposition to Jupiter & Uranus on the Gann Hexagon Chart, whereas the final price of $270 conjoins Jupiter and Uranus on the same chart, a complete 180° movement.

The cotton campaign

From page 195 to 197, the book goes into details how Robert traded cotton in 1927. Quoting from page 195 of the book: “After Robert had sold out his October cotton at 17.30 and his December cotton at 17.50 on June 10th, he decided to watch the market very closely for a few days because he thought it would go lower. His forecast indicated last buying level around June 25th. He figured that after this time the market would go higher until September 5th to 6th, when he figured it would be final high.”

Relationship to the Wet Cotton Farmer rule

As indicated in the previous section, Bonnie Hill noted that Uranus was inconjunct with Neptune in that Spring, which would predict that a flood was coming and the cotton price would go up.

Relationship to the Gann angles

Peter Palaskas found that the support line is related to the 1×1 angle whereas the resistance is related to the 4×1 angle.

Relationship to eclipses

Peter Palaskas found that the entry dates are related to the two solar eclipses on 3rd Jan and 29th Jun 1927.

Declination of major planets

In addition to the ecliptic longitude, cycles are also found by declination of the planets. On page 79, Gann wrote, “History shows that in 916 agriculture in the British Isles was at its lowest ebb and that there was great scarcity of wheat and corn. Very few people were engaged in tilling the soil on account of wars. The same conditions prevailed 1000 years later in 1916 and 1917, when this country was called on to furnish food to starving Europe and send men and money to save their armies from defeat.” Bonnie Hill explained that the common factor in 916 and 1916 is that geocentric Saturn was at maximum North declination in March. Since Saturn's sidereal year is 29.457 years, it is very uncommon for it to be at maximum North declination in March. Like the weather rules above, the astrological “sign” occurs in the spring.
Also, on page 202, Gann discussed the great bull market from 1924 through 1927, “He went back into the stock market and in the great Coolidge Bull Campaign from 1924 to 1927 was again a dominant factor in General Motors and other stocks and was reputed to have made fifty millions, or more.” Checking the geocentric ephemeris, and Hill found that in March–April 1924, geocentric Jupiter was at max South declination, and geocentric Uranus in South declination during all of 1924. On July 8, 1927 geocentric Jupiter was at 0 North declination, and on May 1, 1927, geocentric Uranus was at 0 North declination. The declination of both planets was “increasing” during the 1924-1927 bull market.