Thorsten Teichert

Thorsten Teichert is a German economist and Professor of Business Administration, especially marketing and innovation at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences of the University of Hamburg.


Thorsten Teichert studied engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and received his BA in engineer. Subsequently he obtained his MBA from Union College in Schenectady, New York.
In 1993 Teichert obtained his PhD at the University of Kiel with the thesis "Erfolgspotential internationaler F-&-E-Kooperationen.". After graduation Teichert was Research Fellow at the Fuqua School of Business in Durham in the United States.
In 2000 he obtained his Habilitation at the WHU-Otto Beisheim School of Management in Koblenz with the thesis "Nutzenschätzung in Conjoint-Analysen. Theoretische Fundierung und empirische Aussagekraft".
Thorsten Teichert acts as Head of the Marketing and Innovation at the Institute of Marketing and Media at the University of Hamburg. He is also Professor at the R&D Management study at the University of Stuttgart. Teichert is director of the Institute for Innovation Management at the University of Bern as well as honorary member and Visiting Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney.
Teichert has worked in industry as assistant to the CEO at the INPRO GmbH in Berlin. Moreover, Teichert was head of staff department Corporate Development at ThyssenKrupp in Düsseldorf. He has works as research consultant in the area of technology and innovation management, particularly for patent analysis and issues of new product development.

Research Areas

His scientific focus is new product development and technology marketing, strategic technology and R&D management, market development, internationalization and networks, theory of innovation management programs, particularly empirical research approaches and radical innovations, time and diffusion strategies.
Other research priorities include market-driven new product development, organizational innovation and interface management, technological competition analysis, and using patent data and surveys on consumer behavior.


;Articles, a selection: