Timeline of human prehistory

This timeline of human prehistory comprises the time from the first appearance of Homo sapiens in Africa 300,000 years ago to the invention of writing and the beginning of history, 5,000 years ago.
It thus covers the time from the Middle Paleolithic to the very beginnings of world history.
All dates are approximate subject to revision based on new discoveries or analyses.

Middle Paleolithic

"Epipaleolithic" or "Mesolithic" are terms for a transitional period between the Last Glacial Maximum and the Neolithic Revolution in Old World cultures.
found in the north-west Kimberley region of Western Australia
, end of the Last glacial period, climate warms, glaciers recede.
The terms "Neolithic" and "Bronze Age" are culture-specific and are mostly limited to cultures of the Old World. Many populations of the New World remain in the Mesolithic cultural stage until European contact in the modern period.

Post-historical prehistories