Toba Domain

Toba Domain was a Japanese domain of the Edo period, located in Shima Province, Japan. It was centered on Toba Castle in what is now the city of Toba.


During the Sengoku period, most of Shima Province came under the control of Kuki Yoshitaka, a retainer of Oda Nobunaga, who had a fleet of armored ships and controlled maritime traffic around Ise Bay. The Kuki clan fought on both sides during the Battle of Sekigahara, with Kuki Yoshitaka siding with the western forces loyal to Toyotomi Hideyori, and his son Kuki Moritaka, joining the eastern armies of Tokugawa Ieyasu.
With the establishment of the Tokugawa shogunate, Kuki Moritaka was confirmed as daimyō of Toba, initially with revenues of 35,000 koku, growing to 55,000 koku under his son Kuki Hisataka, who was transferred to Sanda Domain in Settsu Province.
The Kuki were replaced by the tozama Naitō clan, which ruled Toba to 1680. The domain then reverted to tenryō status under the direct control of the shogunate for one year. It then came under the control of the Doi clan, Ogyu-Matsudaira clan, Itakura clan, and Toda-Matsudaira clan before finally coming under the Inagaki clan, where it remained until the Meiji Restoration.
As with all domains, Toba Domain was not a single contiguous holding, but was geographically scattered over a wide area. During the Bakumatsu era it ruled all of Shima Province as well as 8 villages in Iino District, 4 villages in Taki District, and 5 villages in Watari District, all in Ise Province.
During the Boshin War, Inagaki Nagayuki remained loyal to the Shogunate, and as a result was fined heavily by the Meiji government and forced into retirement. His son, Inagaki Nagahiro became domain governor, and after the abolition of the han system in July 1871, Toba Domain became "Toba Prefecture", which merged with the short-lived "Watarai Prefecture" in November 1871, which later became part of Mie Prefecture.

List of ''daimyōs''

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Kuki Moritaka1597–1632Nagato-no-kamiLower 5th 35,000 koku
2Kuki Hisataka1632–1632Yamato-no-kamiLower 5th 35,000 → 56,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Naitō Tadashige1633–1653Shima-no-kamiLower 5th 35,000 koku
2Naitō Tadamasa1653–1673Hide-no-kamiLower 5th 35,000 koku
3Naitō Tadakatsu1673–1680Izumi-no-kamiLower 5th 35,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Doi Toshimasa1691–1710Suwo-no-kamiLower 5th 70,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Matsudaira Norisato1691–1710Izumi-no-kamiLower 4th 60,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Itakura Shigeharu1710–1717Tamba-no-kamiLower 4th 50,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Matsudaira Mitsuchika1590–1603Tamba-no-kamiLower 5th 70,000 koku

#NameTenureCourtesy titleCourt Rankrevenues
1Inagaki Terukata1725–1752Shinano-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
2Inagaki Terunaga1752–1773Tsushima-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
3Inagaki Nagamochi1773–1794Settsu-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
4Inagaki Nagatsugu1794–1818Tsushima-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
5Inagaki Nagakata1818–1842Tsushima-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
6Inagaki Nagaaki1842–1866Settsu-no-kamiLower 5th 10,000 koku
7Inagaki Nagayuki1866–1868Settsu-no-kamiLower 5th 30,000 koku
8Inagaki Nagahiro1868–1871Tsushima-no-kamiLower 5th 10,000 koku