Tulum (bagpipe)

The tulum is a musical instrument, a form of bagpipe from the Laz region of Turkey. It is droneless with two parallel chanters, and is usually played by the Laz and Hemshin peoples and by Pontic Greeks, particularly Chaldians. It is a prominent instrument in the music of Pazar, Hemşin, Çamlıhemşin, Ardeşen, Fındıklı, Arhavi, Hopa, some other districts of Artvin and in the villages of the Tatos range of İspir. It is the characteristic instrument of the transhumant population of the northeastern provinces of Anatolia and, like the kemençe in its area, the tulum imposes its style on all the dance and entertainment music of those for whom it is "our music".


Some of the names of bagpipes from the Near East include:
tulum "a skin container". An Etymological Dictionary of Pre-Thirteenth Century Turkish. Oxford University Press. 1972. p. 500