Twinning (TV series)

Twinning is a VH1 reality show that premiered on July 22, 2015. It features twelve sets of identical twins, testing their “twin-tuition” in mental and physical challenges. The show is hosted by Angie Greenup. Shawn and Claire Buitendorp were the winners of Season 1. Yet there has not been official word of renewal nor cancellation, it is safe to say it is on an indefinite hiatus.

Episode format

During the competition, all contestants were housed in two adjacent houses, one green, one blue. One of each pair of twins lived in the green house, while the other lived in the blue house, keeping everyone separated from their twin.
Each week, there was a "Double-Down Challenge", a game that tested physical or mental abilities. The nature of the challenges varied each week, but mostly required coordination between pairs of twins without direct communication. After each challenge, the highest-scoring twin pairs won the right to move freely between the two houses for a limited time, allowing them visit their twins. The winning twins were also allowed to vote for two pairs of twins to enter the "Twin-Off".
At the end of each week, two pairs of twins were pitted against each other in a "Twin-Off". During the Twin-Off, contestants were asked questions about personal opinions or preferences without being allowed to communicate. If a pair of twins gave the same answer, they score a point, and the first pair to score five points wins the Twin-Off and are allowed to remain in the competition, while the losers of the Twin-Off were eliminated.

Season 1 Cast

Episode progress


Other Appearances