University of Newcastle Students' Association

The University of Newcastle Students' Association is the student organisation at the University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia. The organisation provides a range of student services and supports campus life activities and events. UNSA facilitates the UON's elected Student Representative Council which is the peak representative body for all students at the University.

Structure and Governance

UNSA is a not-for-profit Australian Public Company Limited by Guarantee with a governing board consisting of nine directors. The board's composition includes six elected students and three appointed directors.


UNSA enhances the lives of students at the University of Newcastle by providing:
UNSA's representative structure facilitates the Student Representative Council as the peak representative body for students at the University of Newcastle. Prior to the reforms to student representation commencing from 2016-2020 and the transition to UNSA Ltd, the NUSA Council had a duel role of both the governing body of the organisation and the principle SRC for UON. Representatives on the SRC are elected by the student body in annual elections in Semester 2 each year.

Representative structure

The SRC's structure incorporates several representative committees and bodies, each chaired by an office holder elected to the SRC. These include portfolio committees for Education, Wellbeing & Welfare, Engagement & Experience; a Postgraduate Student Senate; an International Student Senate; Campus Committees; and Collectives for Disability, Indigenous, Queer and Women's representative groups.
Elected positions on the SRC include:
That are also several positions that are elected externally to the SRC and hold ex-officio membership on the Council:
The SRC Executive consists of the President, the three Vice Presidents and the two Senate Convenors.