Urania is often associated with Universal Love and the Holy Spirit. Sometimes identified as the eldest of the divine sisters, Urania inherited Zeus' majesty and power and the beauty and grace of her mother Mnemosyne. Urania dresses in a cloak embroidered with stars and keeps her eyes and attention focused on the Heavens. She is usually represented with a celestial globe to which she points with a little staff. She is able to foretell the future by the arrangement of the stars.
Urania as Muse
Those who are most concerned with philosophy and the heavens are dearest to her. Those who have been instructed by her she raises aloft to heaven, for it is a fact that imagination and the power of thought lift men's souls to heavenly heights.
Urania, o'er her star-bespangled lyre, With touch of majesty diffused her soul; A thousand tones, that in the breast inspire, Exalted feelings, o er the wires'gan roll— How at the call of Jove the mist unfurled, And o'er the swelling vault—the glowing sky, The new-born stars hung out their lamps on high, And rolled their mighty orbs to music's sweetest sound.
—From An Ode To Music by James G. Percival
During the Renaissance, Urania began to be considered the Muse for Christian poets. In the invocation to Book 7 of John Milton's epic poemParadise Lost, the poet invokes Urania to aid his narration of the creation of the cosmos, though he cautions that it is "he meaning, not the name I call"
Urania is the name traditionally given to the eighth book of Herodotus' Histories.
Urania is often an epithet given to Aphrodite in contrast with her other aspect Aphrodite Pandemos.
Urania Cottage was a refuge for fallen women established by the writer Charles Dickens in Lime Grove, Shepherd's Bush, London in the late 1840s. The funding was provided by millionaire and philanthropist Angela Burdett-Coutts, of the well-known banking family. Some of the inmates may have provided inspiration for certain of the female characters in Dickens' novels.
At Columbia University, toward the end of 18th century, the Urania Society was created for the improvement of oratory and literary skills. DeWitt Clinton was a member.
Urania Street is situated between Polymnia and Felicity streets in New Orleans.
Muse magazine, until 2015 when the magazine was revamped, featured Urania as one of the characters in the "Kokopelli and Co." comic strip by Larry Gonick published in each issue of the magazine. She was the only original muse who remained among the "New Muses" featured in the magazine. The other Old Muses were said to be living in a retirement home.
Urania is the name of a popular female-fronted rock band in Honduras.
Urania is used as the muse in Paradise Lost books 7 and 9.
Urania is invoked in Shelley's "Adonais."
'To Urania' is a poem, and a book of poetry by Joseph Brodsky