Václav Machek (linguist)

Václav Machek was a Czech linguist.


In years 1914-1921 Machek studied Czech and Latin language at Charles University in Prague. In years 1921-1924 he studied linguistics in Paris. Several years he taught at high schools in Czechoslovakia. From 1936 he was a professor of Slavic studies and comparative linguistics at then Jan Evangelista Purkyně University.


His scientific work is dedicated to etymology, especially in Czech and Slovak language; his etymological studies are always joined with studies of cultural background. His most important work is still reprinted Etymological Dictionary of Czech and Slovak language, Czech and Slovak names of plants, he also collaborated on a project of unfinished Etymological dictionary of Slavic languages.
Machek's non-monographic works were collected in Sebrané spisy Václava Machka. Some of his minor works were written in French.