Verica Trstenjak
Verica Trstenjak is a Slovenian Doctor of Laws and Professor of European Law. From 2006 to 2012 she has been an Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union in Luxembourg, from 2004 to 2006 judge of the General Court.
Early legal work
Verica Trstenjak passed her bar exam in 1987 and obtained her doctor's degree at the Faculty of Law of the University of Ljubljana in 1995. She worked as a head of the legal service at the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia between 1994 and 1996, and as State Secretary at the same ministry between 1996 and 2000. In 2000 she held a post of a Secretary-General of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia.She has cooperated also with non-governmental organizations in Slovenia and contributed to preparation of Foundations Act. From 1997 to 2000 she was also a leader of the working group 17 for the accession negotiations of Slovenia with EU.
Work in professorships
Verica Trstenjak pursued her doctoral studies at the University of Zürich, the Institute of Comparative Law of the University of Vienna, the Max Planck Institute for Private International Law in Hamburg, and the Free University of Amsterdam. In 1996 she became a professor for Theory of Law and State and Private Law, and in 2006 a full professor for Civil and European Law.She was a visiting professor at the universities of Vienna, Freiburg , in Hamburg and at the universities in Heidelberg, Bonn, Salzburg, Zürich, Liechtenstein, Amsterdam, Luxembourg, Haag and Ferrara. She gave various lectures outside the EU at the universities in Sydney, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York. Until 2006 she was a member of the Study Group on a European Civil Code.
She has published more than 300 legal articles and several books on European and private law; she gives speeches at numerous international conferences in Slovenia and abroad.
She is a visiting professor of Masters Study at the until 2013 and of Masters Study at the European Law Faculty in Nova Gorica, Slovenia as well as at the University of Vienna.
After her mandate at the CJEU had ended she was appointed Professor of European Law at the Law Faculty of the University of Vienna in 2013. Furthermore she holds lectures at the universities of Ljubljana and Maribor. She teaches at the summer schools in Salzburg, Strobl and Alpbach.
In 2012 she was appointed external scientific member of the newly established in Luxembourg. Since 2017 she is a member of the Management and Executive Board of the FRA - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights as well as the Advisory Committee of the international law organisation Energy Community.
Societies and honors
Member of Editorial boards of a number of legal periodicals in Slovenia and abroad:- European Law Review
- European Journal of Consumer Law
- Zeitschrift für Europäisches Unternehmens- und Verbraucherrecht
- Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht
- European Journal of Commercial Contract Law
- Pravnik
- International Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
- Scientific Advisory Board at the Faculty of Law of the University of Vienna
- Beirat des Instituts für Stiftungsrecht und das Recht der Non-Profit-Organisationen in Hamburg
- Academia Europaea
- Slovensko društvo za Evropsko pravo
- European Law Institute
- Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung
- l'Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française
- ISTR – International Society for Third-Sector Research
Work at the Court of Justice of the EU
She worked as a judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities from 7 July 2004 to 6 October 2006 and was an Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Union from 7 October 2006 to 28 November 2012.Selection of some relevant published articles
- Trstenjak Verica/Weingerl Petra : The Influence of Human Rights and Basic Rights in Private Law, Springer International Switzerland.
- Trstenjak Verica: Les mécanismes de recours collectif et leur importance pour la protection des consommateurs, in La Cour de justice de l'Union européenne sous la présidence de Vassilios Skouris, Liber amicorum Vassilios Skouris, pp. 681–696.
- Trstenjak Verica/Beysen Erwin: The Growing Overlap of Fundamental Freedoms and Fundamental Rights in the Case-law of the CJEU, European Law Review 38, S. 293-315
- Procedural Aspects of European Consumer Protection Law and the Case Law of the CJEU, European Review of Private Law, No. 2/ 2013, S. 451-478
- Pravo EU, Ustavno, procesno in gospodarsko pravo EU, GV Založba, Ljubljana, 2012, 840 S, together with Maja Brkan
- Trstenjak, Verica, Beysen, Erwin, European consumer protection law: curia semer dabit remedium?. Published in: Common market law review, 2011, Vol. 48, No. 1, pp. 95–124.
- Das Verhältnis zwischen Immaterialgüterrecht und Datenschutzrecht in der Informationsgesellschaft im Lichte der Rechtsprechung des Europäischen Gerichtshofs. Published in: Gewerblicher Rechtsschutz und Urheberrecht, Internationaler Teil
- Verbraucherschutzrecht und die rechtlichen Probleme des Internetverkaufs in der Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Published in: Borić, Lurger, Schwarzenegger, Terlitza, Öffnung und Wandel – Die internationale Dimension des Rechts II, Festschrift für Prof. Willibald Posch, LexisNexis, Wien, 2011, pp. 787–798.
- L'importance du Code civil et des Provinces illyriennes pour la Slovénie. Published in: Revue international de droit comparé, No. 3/2011, pp. 720–725.
- Von der Mindest- zur Vollharmonisierung: Bedeutung für die Rechtsprechung des EuGH. Published in: Welser, Rudolf, Konsumentenschutz in Zentral- und Osteuropa, Wien, 2010, pp. 205–219.
- Private law developments in Slovenia: a European perspective. Published in: Jessel-Holst, Christa, Kulms, Rainer, Trunk, Alexander. Private law in Eastern Europe: autonomous developments or legal transplants?,. Tübingen: M. Siebeck, cop. 2010, pp. 123–147.
- Les difficultés d'une interprétation et d'une application unitaires du droit communautaire. Published in: Le contrat en Europe aujourd'hui et demain, Société de législation comparée, Paris, 2008, pp. 147–175.
- Slowenisches Zivilrecht: Vom ABGB auf dem Weg zum europäischen Zivilgesetzbuch? Published in: Privatrechtsentwicklung in Zentral- und Osteuropa, MANZ'sche Verlag, Wien, 2008, p. 101–114.
- Die Auslegung privatrechtlicher Richtlinien durch den EuGH: ein Rechtsprechungsbericht unter Berücksichtigung des Common Frame of Reference. Published in: Zeitschrift für Europäisches Privatrecht, 2007, pp. 145–160.
- La Slovenia e l'armonizzazione del diritto sloveno con quello dell'Unione europea: il diritto civile sloveno e il nuovo diritto delle obbligazioni. Published in: Contratto e impresa. Europa, IX, No. 1, pp. 265–292.
Selection of relevant cases
- Pénzügyi Lízing – Unfair terms in consumer contracts
- Aventis Pasteur –Liability for defective products
- Pammer and Hotel Alpenhof – Jurisdiction in civil and commercial matters
- Quelle – Absence of duty to pay compensation to the vendor for the use of defective goods in case of rescission of the contract
- VTB-VAB and Galatea – Combined offers
- Mediaprint Zeitungs- und Zeitschriftenverlag – Combined offers
- Schultz-Hoff and Stringer ; KHS – Right to paid annual leave of sick employees
- Dominguez – The doctrine of ‚Drittwirkung der Grundrechte’, general principles of law
- CLECE – Transfers of undertakings
- SGAE – Compensation of intellectual property right holders
- Painer
- Fachverband der Buch- und Medienwirtschaft/LIBRO
- Phonographic Performance – copyright and related rights
- SCF Consorzio Fonografici – copyright and related rights
- Audiolux – Criteria for the recognition of general principles of law
- Idryma Typou – Criteria of demarcation between the freedom of establishment and the freedom of movement of capital
- Commission/Spain – Right of pre-emption for shares and for bonds convertible into shares
- Commission/Germany – Obligation to rescind a contract
- Commission/Germany – Köln Messe
- Commission/Germany – Ambulance services
- Commission/Germany – Collective agreement on the conversion of earnings for local authority employees
- Commission/Austria – Sectoral traffic prohibition for lorries
- NS and ME – Right of asylum in the European Union
- Hecht-Pharma – Classification as a medicinal product
- MSD Sharp & Dohme – Advertising of medicinal products on the Internet
- Commission/Portugal – Cross-border healthcare services
- Koller – Education and training of lawyers