
ViaMobilidade is a company in Brazil belonging to Companhia de Concessões Rodoviárias, being responsible for the operation, maintenance and investments in Line 5–Lilac of São Paulo Metro for 20 years, through a public-private concession contract, in partnership with the Government of the State of São Paulo.
Besides CCR, the consortium also has RuasInvest as investor, branch of one of the most traditional bus groups of São Paulo. Both companies also manage the Line 4–Yellow of ViaQuatro. Besides that, the consortium will operate Line 17–Gold, currently under construction, and will connect stations Morumbi of CPTM Line Line 9–Emerald, in Marginal Pinheiros, to Congonhas Airport, in Southside São Paulo, and will also operate Line 15–Silver.

ViaMobilidade fleet

Line 5–Lilac has a fleet of 34 vehicles:
LineYearManufacturerTrainsFleet Numbering / Vehicles
52001/2002Alstom08501 to 508
52013/2014CAF26509 to 534