
Viraaj, a word in the Sanskrit language, indicates sovereignty, excellence or splendour. Viraaj is the mythical primeval being associated with creation who is often personified as the secondary creator.
Viraaj is born from Viraaj and Viraaj in turn is born from Viraaj. In the Atharvaveda, Viraaj is a cow or with Prana, the life-breath. In the Mahabharata Viraaj is the name of the primeval being, Purusha, identified with Vishnu and Shiva. Manu Smriti 1.32 states that Brahma divided his body into two, one male and the other female, from the female was born Viraaj who produced Svayambhuva Manu who created the ten Prajapatis. According to the Bhavishya Purana – the male was Manu and the female was Shatarupa, creation commenced with the union of Viraaj and Shatrupa. In the Vedanta, Viraaj is identified with supreme intellect. Viraaj is also the name of a metre.
Viraaj is identified by Atharvaveda – 4.11.7 with Indra, Agni, Prajapati and Parameshtin ; with Devata, Vishnu, Savitr, Rudra, Brahmachari, Water and the world, with controlling Indra, with the immortal wide spreading ruling power, with first and creative principle, with the universe, as father of Brahman, with speech, the earth, the atmosphere, death, with the udder of the frame of creation, Brahman being its mouth and with Dhruva, the point of the heavens directly under the feet.