Visual field

The visual field is the "spatial array of visual sensations available to observation in introspectionist psychological experiments". Or simply, visual field can be defined as the entire area that can be seen when an eye is fixed straight at a point.
The equivalent concept for optical instruments and image sensors is the field of view.
In optometry, ophthalmology, and neurology, a visual field test is used to determine whether the visual field is affected by diseases that cause local scotoma or a more extensive loss of vision or a reduction in sensitivity.

Normal limits

The normal human visual field extends to approximately 60 degrees nasally from the vertical meridian in each eye, to 107 degrees temporally from the vertical meridian, and approximately 70 degrees above and 80 below the horizontal meridian.
The binocular visual field is the superimposition of the two monocular fields. In the binocular field, the area left of the vertical meridian is referred to as the left visual field ; a corresponding definition holds for the right visual field. The four areas delimited by the vertical and horizontal meridian are referred to as upper/lower left/right quadrants. In the European Union, the minimum field requirement for driving is 50 degrees to either side of the vertical meridian and 120 degrees horizontally in total, and 20 degrees above and below the horizontal meridian. The macula corresponds to the central 17 degrees diameter of the visual field; the fovea to the central 5.2 degrees, and the foveola to 1-1.2 degrees diameter.
The nose is situated in the field of view of both eyes, but due to later processing carried out in the brain, it is not noticed during normal visual tasks.

Measuring the visual field

The visual field is measured by perimetry. This may be kinetic, where spots of light are shown on the white interior of a half sphere and slowly moved inwards until the observer sees them, or static, where the light spots are flashed at varying intensities at fixed locations in the sphere until detected by the subject. Commonly used perimeters are the automated Humphrey Field Analyzer, the Heidelberg Edge Perimeter, or the Oculus.
Another method is to use a campimeter, a small device with a flat screen designed to measure the central visual field.
Light spot patterns testing the central 24 degrees or 30 degrees of the visual field, are most commonly used. Most perimeters are also capable of testing up to 80 or 90 degrees.
Another method is for the practitioner to hold up 1, 2 or 5 fingers in the four quadrants and center of a patient's visual field. If the patient is able to report the number of fingers properly as compared with the visual field of the practitioner, the normal result is recorded as "full to finger counting". The blind spot can also be assessed via holding a small object between the practitioner and the patient. By comparing when the object disappears for the practitioner, a subject's blind spot can be identified. There are many variants of this type of exam.

Visual field loss

Visual field loss may occur due to many disease or disorders of the eye, optic nerve, or brain. For the eye, e.g., Glaucoma causes peripheral field defects. Macular degeneration and other diseases affecting the macula cause central field defects. Lesions of the visual pathway cause characteristic forms of visual disturbances, including homonymous hemianopsia, quadrantanopsia, and scotomata.
The main classification of visual field defects is into
  1. Lesions to the eye's retina
  2. Lesions of the optic nerve
  3. Lesions in the chiasm
  4. Lesions after the chiasm
Other characterisations are:
  1. Altitudinal field defects, loss of vision above or below the horizontal meridian – associated with ocular abnormalities
  2. Central scotoma, loss of central vision
  3. Peripheral field loss including tunnel vision
  4. Generalized depression of the entire field of vision

    Visual field defects in glaucoma

In glaucoma, visual field defects result from damage to the retinal nerve fiber layer. Field defects are seen mainly in primary open angle glaucoma. Because of the unique anatomy of the RNFL, many noticeable patterns are seen in the visual field. Most of the early glaucomatous changes are seen within the central visual field, mainly in Bjerrum's area, 10°-20° from fixation.
Following are the common glaucomatous field defects:
The macula of the retina is the central area in the visual field of about 10 to 17 deg diameter. It is responsible for high-resolution vision in good light, in particular for reading. Many diseases affecting the macula may cause defects in the central field of vision, among them Metamorphopsia and central scotomas.

Field defects in visual pathway lesions

The visual pathway consists of structures that carry visual information from the retina to the brain. Lesions in the pathway cause a variety of visual field defects. The type of field defect can help localize where the lesion is located.