Wakaba Girl

Wakaba Girl is a four-panel comedy manga written and illustrated by Yui Hara and published by Houbunsha. An anime television adaptation by Nexus aired in Japan between July and September 2015.


Wakaba Kohashi is a "a slightly out-of-tune super" daughter of a well-to-do family. She looks like an elegant rich daughter, but admires the trendy "gyaru" fashion subculture. Her friends are the pure, innocent, fairy-tale-like Moeko, the capricious Mao, and Nao who used to be an athletic type of girl, but now loves the boys-love genre. Most of the series takes place at Shirozume Girls High School.


;Wakaba Kohashi
;Moeko Tokita
;Mao Kurokawa
;Nao Mashiba




An anime television series adaptation by Nexus aired in Japan between July 3, 2015 and September 25, 2015 and was simulcast by Crunchyroll. Character designs were created by Kana Ishida and the scripts were written by Jukki Hanada. The opening theme is "Hajimete Girls!" by Ray.

Episode list