We can! (Croatia)

We Can! – Political Platform is an eco-socialist and social progressive political party in Croatia formed by local green and leftist movements and initiatives in order act on national level for EU and parliamentary elections.

Core values

The party designates itself as a wide and progressive platform that aims to include members and voters that resonate with ideas across the entire spectrum of values on the left, including radical left politics, green and sustainable politics, to democratic socialism.
Core values include: general decentralised development and economy, social and gender equality, striving for energy and food independence, reducing the ecological footprint, improving education and science, maintaining independent media and supporting innovation. The developmental models proposed models seek to reduce precarious forms of work, strengthen economic democracy, and to foster trade unions, as well as the legal rights of workers in general.


The party originated first as the initiative committee consisting of activists and left-wing politicians, 26 of them, mostly coming from the Zagreb is OURS! party, but also including other independent movements across the country within the same political and ideological spectrum.


The party was officially founded on 10 February 2019, prior to the elections for the European Parliament held that year, with primary areas of interest being education, better health policies, social and gender equality, support for migrants, renewable sources of energy, and sustainable agriculture.
The founding assembly defined that the party does not have an official president, but instead has two coordinators – from among the membership Sandra Benčić and Teodor Celakoski were elected – who along with another five members of the party make up its Party Board. Other prominent members of the Initiative committee at the time, most of whom remain active, included Danijela Dolenec, Damir Bakić, Iskra Mandarić, Đuro Capor, Urša Raukar, Vilim Matula, Dario Juričan, Mima Simić, Ivo Špigel, Tomislav Tomašević and others.

2019 EU elections

The parties We can!, New Left, and Sustainable Development of Croatia formed a coalition on 28 March 2019 for the 2019 European Parliament election, where they expected to win one seat.
The single seat would be occupied by all three parties on the rotational principle, and the coalition list for the elections had an equal number of candidates from all three parties, i.e. four from each party as Croatia was assigned twelve representatives in the European Parliament. The goal of the coalition is to offer policies that would transform Europe into a sustainable, just, and green community, while rejecting the neoliberal policies that generate ever greater inequality among EU citizens and Member States, even more noticeable in the EU’s peripheral countries, such as Croatia and Greece.
We can! also noted that they support the Green New Deal authored by the DiEM25 movement, which represents an ambitious plan to invest over €500 billion annually into the development of post-fossil fuel economies in Europe, mostly into renewables, green industries, and sustainable transport. The funds required for the plan would be acquired by issuing joint bonds by the European Central Bank. Tomislav Tomašević also stated that according to polls almost 60% of Croatian citizens think that Croatia is not doing enough to fight climate change, while 80% think that the Croatian economy should be pivoted to the realm of green economy. Yanis Varoufakis, former Greek finance minister and one of the leaders of DiEM25, extended his support of We can! to Croatian voters prior to the election, stating that they support the Green New Deal.
The We can! coalition received 19,313 votes in elections for the EU Parliament, which is 1.79% of total votes.

2020 parliamentary elections

In the July 2020 parliamentary election the platform/party had good ratings from the start of campaign and received media coverage on daily basis.
Former SDP member and later independent parliamentarian Bojan Glavašević joined the platform as the first independent candidate. Front-men of legendary punk-rock band Hladno Pivo, Mile Kekin and his wife Ivana also joined the party list as socialists who were concerned with the lack of social policies in the established centre-left SDP. He also authored the song that was used for the party promotions titled "Happy People". Prominent theater maker, multi-talented performer and always engaged with activist causes Mario Kovač also joined as the leader of the list for Croatian diaspora. To add to this in the last week towards the elections new public figures used video to expressed support like actor and activist Jane Fonda or voting commitments from numerous individuals.
Though with modest financial resources the Možemo! platform confirmed and extended its rise in popularity, especially in Zagreb from single to multiple seats where it was biggest surprise of elections.
According to preliminary results, the coalition won around 7% of votes and 7 seats in the parliament. These seats will be taken by Tomislav Tomasevic, Sandra Bencic, Damir Bakic, Vilim Matula, Rada Boric, Katarina Peovic, and Bojan Glavasevic. Coalition partners were very close to winning a seat in Dalmatia, but also had excellent result in the city of Dubrovnik with 9% of total votes. They celebrated their results at the MSU.

Electoral performance

Parliament of Croatia

European Parliament