William Wollaston (Ipswich MP elected 1768)

Colonel William Wollaston was a British M.P. for Ipswich between 1768 and 1784.
He was born the eldest son of William Wollaston, MP and his wife Elizabeth Faquier and educated at Bury St Edmunds Grammar School.
Before gaining his position in Parliament, he served as colonel of the Eastern Battalion in the Suffolk Militia. He was a close friend of artist Thomas Gainsborough, with whom he shared a love of music. Gainsborough painted Wollaston's portrait in about 1758. In 1794 to pay off a gambling debt Wollaston sold the family estate of Finborough Hall to Roger Pettiward, whose family owned the neighbouring estate at Onehouse.
He was married to Blanche, daughter of Robert Hyde Page and sister of Sir Thomas-Hyde Page. They had no children.