Willy Nilly

Willy Nilly Show is a New Zealand television series originally based on a short film by the same name. It follows the lives of two middle-aged farming brothers, Eric and Harry who are catapulted into the modern world when their bossy and overprotective mother dies and Joy Full, the lovely undertaker’s assistant, comes to stay. It is set in the fictional town of Pokapoka A total of 3 series were made which have all been made available on DVD at Filmshop. It was winner of Best Comedy Performance, Script and Direction - NZ TV Awards In 2002, a TV Guide poll found the series to be the most popular New Zealand comedy. The series' most prominent fan base is made up of women over the age of 60.


Series One

  1. Under the Stinkwattle Tree
  2. Five Left Feet
  3. Down the Tube
  4. The Ram Who Knew Too Much
  5. In the Nudey
  6. The Ghost and the Dinner Party
  7. Spring Fever

    Series Two

  8. The Vet
  9. Harrys Can Do Anything
  10. Are You My Daddy
  11. Birth and Death
  12. Through the Looking Grass
  13. Mum's Little Treasure
  14. Rain Rain Go Away

    Series Three

  15. Twisted Sister
  16. Dr Harry's Casebook
  17. Pokapoka Pokerface
  18. Silage is Golden
  19. The Black Stump
  20. Don't Worry Be Harry
  21. St Eric of Pokapoka
  22. Just Another Day


Eric - Sean Duffy
Harry - Mark Hadlow
Joy - Tandi Wright
Mr Bott - Stuart Devenie
Lubyanka - Ellie Smith

DVD releases

All 3 series have been made available on DVD in New Zealand at Filmshop.