Witchblade is an anime series loosely based on the American comic book of the same name. Not an adaptation of the original story, the series has a new setting and characters. However, the anime version is considered controversial by some fans because GONZO has announced that the main character of the anime is of Japanese ethnicity but is not Itagaki, Shiori, and Yuka, one of the previous bearers of the Witchblade. Instead, it is a new character named Masane. Although this series sets up an entirely new story with all new characters, it is set in the same continuity as the comic book.
The lead character is Masane Amaha, a kindhearted, well-intentioned woman who is clumsy and awkward around the house. Having lost her memory during the Great Quake which ravaged Tokyo, Masane was found uninjured at the quake's ground zero with a baby in her arms. Six years later she returns to Tokyo with the child, intending to live a peaceful life. Masane becomes entangled in a power struggle between a large corporation and a government agency, and discovers that a mysterious bracelet on her right wrist is the legendary Witchblade.
The anime was produced by Gonzo and directed by Yoshimitsu Ohashi aired in Japan from April 16, 2006 to September 20, 2006, on TBS. From episodes 1-13 and 24, the first opening theme is "XTC", by Psychic Lover. From episodes 14-23, the second opening theme is "Dear Bob", by Koologi. From episodes 1-12, the first ending theme is "Ashita no Te", by Mamiko Noto. From episodes 13-23, the second ending theme is "Kutsuhimo", by Asami Yamamoto. From episodes 24, third ending theme is "Kodō -get closer-", by Psychic Lover. From the epilogue, the fourth theme is "get the fuck off", by Psychic Lover. Witchblade was licensed for release in the United States, and the dubbed English-language version premiered on the US cable network IFC in January 2008. The show appeared on Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 3:30 AM ET, and the series finale aired on June 13, 2008. The series was released on DVD in the US and Canada in six volumes in December 2008. A Blu-ray box set was released on November 3, 2009. It was available as a paid download on Xbox Live and PlayStation Network. The first twelve episodes are available for download on Amazon's Unbox service. As of June, 2011, it was available free of charge on Hulu.