Xavier Bosch i Sancho

Xavier Bosch i Sancho, publicly known as Xavier Bosch is a Catalan writer and journalist.
He was the creator, together with Antoni Bassas of the humorous program Alguna pregunta més? at Catalunya Ràdio, for which he received an Ondas award. Specializing in sports journalism, he worked at La Vanguardia, TV3, RAC 1 and was director of the newspaper Avui from 2007 to 2008. In 2010 he has been one of the initiator of a new daily newspaper in Catalan language, Diari Ara. Regarding his career as a novelist, he has written a trilogy starred by journalist Dani Santana, which first book Se sabrà tot received a Sant Jordi Award in 2009. Second and third novels were Homes d'honor and Eufòria. His last novel Algú com tu , is winner of the 2015 Ramon Llull Award.


Short stories

After the publication of , an article rejecting a "jewish lobby" at FC Barcelona and the alleged participation of Mossad agents in the club, he was accused of antisemitism by , this accusation was denied by Xavier Bosch.