The Yanomami Indigenous Territory is home to Yanomami people speaking the Ninam, Sanumá, Yanomamö and Yanomami languages of the Yanomamam linguistic family, and to Ye'kuana people speaking the Ye'kuana language of the Carib linguistic family. The population as of 1989 was 9,910 according to FUNAI. This has risen steadily to an estimated 23,512 people as of 2016 according to Sesai. The state is represented in the territory of the Fundação Nacional do Índio. Registered indigenous organizations include the Associação das Mulheres Yanomami, Associação de Pais e Mestres Comunitários, Associação do Povo Ye'Kuana do Brasil, Associação Texoli, Associação Yanomami do Rio Cauaburis e Afluentes, Associação Yanomami do Rio Marauiá e do Rio Preto, Círculo de Pais e Mestres Escola Estadual Apolinário Gimenes, Federação das Organizações Indígenas do Rio Negro, Hutukara Associação Yanomami and the Organização dos Povos Indígenas de Roraima.
The Yanomami Indigenous Territory was created through a series of steps that began with ordinance 1.817 of 8 January 1985 and led to the first homologation on 16 February 1989. The Roraima National Forest was created by decree nº 97545 of 1 March 1989 and covered of the Amazon biome. This had the effect of dividing the territory of the Yanomami people into several separate areas. In 1990 three gold mining reserves were created within the Roraima National Forest. The Yanomami Indigenous Territory was demarcated in 1992 in the lead up to the Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro. The indigenous territory was created on 25 May 1992 with an area of, and it was thought that this territory completely covered the national forest area. This was followed by a vigorous international campaign in support of the Yanomami people. The gold mines were closed and the miners removed. In an indigenous territory the indigenous people have the exclusive right of use according to their customs and traditions. Although technically the Roraima National Forest remained, exploitation of the forest would violate these rights. In 2001 IBAMA realized that 5% of the forest, or, had been left out of the indigenous territory, and decided to repossess the unit. However, in the mid-1990s two settlements, Samaúma and Vila Nova, had taken, leaving unclaimed. To regularize the situation, the boundaries were revised by law 12058 of 13 October 2009. The resized national forest now excludes the indigenous territory. There were various other adjustment with the most recent being homologation process 954 of 19 July 2012. Threats include illegal mining, fishing, hunting and farming. As of 2000 a total of had been deforested. This had risen to by 2014.