Yao Haijun

Yao Haijun is the editor-in-chief of Science Fiction World. Yao has been editor of SFW since 1998. He has also served as the chief editor of 《世界科幻大师丛书》, which is a book series of sci-fi.

Early life

Yao was born in a farm in Yichun in Heilongjiang Province. A sci-fi book borrowed from maths teacher aroused his initial interest in sci-fi fiction. He raised money to launch a sci-fi magazine called "nebulae". The magazine serves as a fan magazine, which published book reviews and sci-fi news. The magazine put up a bridge of communication among publishers, writers and readers.

Career at SFW

Yao was invited to work as an editor of SFW by Yangxiao, who was then the editor-in-chief of SFW. Firstly, Yao worked as an editor during June,1998 to June 2002, an assistant chief editor during June 2002 to March 2003, associate editor during March 2003 to October 2005, and the chief editor from October 2005 till now.

Collection of World SF Masters

Although the SFW has a circulation of 200,000 copies per issue, it's a hard work to publish sci-fi books in China. The delivery department worried that they will incur economic deficits, but Yao persuaded them. The Collection of World SF Masters proved to be a great success.

Books Series published

Yao works as the chief editor of book series as below
"Cornerstone of Chinese Science Fiction"
"Popular Science Fiction of the World"
"Work of World SF Masters"
NameTranslated NameDate
The Door into Summer进入盛夏之门2003
Ender's Game安德的游戏2003
Speaker for the Dead死者代言人2003
Solaris & K-Pax索拉利斯星·K星异客2003
Calculating God计算中的上帝2003
Starship Troopers星船伞兵2003
The Demolished Man被毁灭的人2004
A Fire Upon The Deep深渊上的火2004
Ender’s Shadow安德的影子2004
The Collected Short Fiction of Robert Sheckley浪漫服务公司2004
Darwin's radio达尔文电波2004
Кладбище джиннов妖魔古墓2004
Golden Fleece金羊毛2004
The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress严厉的月亮2004
The Puppet Masters傀儡主人2004
Story of Your Life你一生的故事2004
The Warrior's Apprentice战争学徒2004
Mirror Dance镜舞2004
A Deepness in the Sky天渊2005
The Moon Children月亮孩子2005
Citizen of the Galaxy银河系公民2005
The Ultimate Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy银河系漫游指南2005
The Restaurant at the End of the Universe宇宙尽头的餐馆2005
Double Star双星2005
The Forever War千年战争2005
Way Station星际驿站2005
Children of Dune沙丘之子2006
Dune Messiah沙丘救世主2006
The Day Of The Triffids三尖树时代2006
Childhood's End童年的终结2006
Mission of Gravity重力使命2006
Diplomatic Immunity外交豁免权2006
The Green Hills of Earth地球上的绿色山丘2006
Between Planets星际归途2006
Stranger in a Strange Land异乡异客2006
Bones of The Earth地球龙骨2006
Where Late the Sweet Birds Sang迟暮鸟语2007
Forever Peace永远的和平2007
Beggars in Spain西班牙乞丐2007
Beggars and Choosers乞丐与选民2007
Beggars Ride乞丐的愿望2007
Time Enough for Love时间足够你爱2007
The Uplift War提升之战2008
Brothers in Arms兄弟手足2008
A Civil Campaign明争暗斗2008
Lord of Light光明王2008
The Martian Chronicles火星编年史2008
So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish拜拜,多谢你们的鱼2008
Mostly Harmless基本上无害2008
Life, the Universe and Everything生命、宇宙以及一切2008
Stations of The Tide潮汐站2008
The Peace War彩虹尽头2009
Marooned in Realtime实时放逐2009
The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge弗诺·文奇科幻小说集2009
Cities in Flight飞城2009
Ring World环形世界2009
This Immortal不朽2009
A Case of Conscience事关良心2009
Snow Crash雪崩2009
The Left Hand of Darkness黑暗的左手2009
The Dispossessed一无所有2009
The Man Who Sold the Moon and Orphans of the Sky出卖月亮的人2009
Methuselah's Children玛士撒拉之子2009
The Rolling Stones斯通一家闯太空2010
Dying of the Light光逝2010
The Windup Girl发条女孩2012
The Algorithms for Love爱的算法2012
For a Breath I Tarry趁生命气息逗留2010
Tuf Voyaging图夫航行记2010
Blind Sight盲视2013
The Doors of His Face, The Lamps of His Mouth脸上的门,口中的灯2010

"Work of World Fantasy Masters"
"Three Body Problem" written by Liu Cixin is one of a set of "Cornerstone of Chinese Science Fiction". The circulation of "Three Body Problem" is more than seven hundred thousand.