
Yattodetaman is the fifth book in the Time Bokan series, produced by Tatsunoko Productions and directed by Hiroshi Sasagawa. In this series, two royal houses battle for the power to rule the Kingdom of Fir. In order to secure the Kingdom, two representatives go back in time to find the mythical Firebird, which will allow its bearer to become the rightful ruler.


1000 years in the future, the king who governed the kingdom of Fir, died. An evil dynasty conformed for the capricious prince Kamaro, his sister princess Mirenjo and their two minions, the mechanic Julie Kokematsu and the guard Alan Sukadon; conspire with the objective of govern the kingdom with Kamaro as king, but a special rule consist in a competence, the dynasty is the new and rightful ruler, who capture the mystic Firebird, It travels for the time and space in the past, disguised of mystic object or legends, and the evil villains want trap it. The honorable daughter of the deceased king, the princess Karen and her guard-robot, Daigoron; travel to 1981 for ask help to his ancestors, Wataru Toki and Koyomu Himekuri in trap the Firebird. When the villains take advantage in the heroes, Wataru Toki transform in Yattodetaman for fight against the trio in a funny battle.

